Client side toggles

Amazing we now have a new glorious and holy arachnophobia filter.

If we are all for client side filters there should be no reason to not have a client side filter for transmogs :grin:

A toggle that works client side only, causes no impact for anyone else

Just like the arachnophobia filter.


Sorry, Dollface, if I want you to see me in my goofy pirate hat
you are going to see me in my goofy pirate hat.


if that happens then the persons tmog will be removed also and we will see forums light up saying this is not right fix it now i dont want my mogs disappearing when i toggle this feature.

Why not have the option tho?

It would work just like the arachnophobia filter. You wouldn’t even know

Heck, you don’t even know people are looking at you now, you just assume.

They might be going out of their way to not look at you lol

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Because half the value of transmog is that others see in your your transmog.

You wouldn’t be asking if you weren’t seeing them.


It seems unlikely. They half-assed the arachnophobia mode just to say they have it. I doubt they’ll spend the time on the other toggles.

dunno how someone else’s transmog is impacting you in a way to trigger a phobia that warrants a clientside filter but
have you considered

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Ehh. Sure. I don’t mind such an option.

Really not sure why people have an issue with this, i mean, considering this is more or less just changing the graphic setting pretty much. (Litteraly is, just something really specific) Something i hope people aren’t so hyperfixated on other people having.

If you’re fine with somebody playing the game at low graphic settings, then i don’t think the anti-spider mode should be a problem.

But i digress.

Have the option to hide transmog be off by default.

Also have two sepperate toggles where it hides others, and one that hides the user’s.

Value’s subjective. Esp since most of said value comes from the user’s satisfaction with it anyways. Otherwise they wouldn’t mog if their basing their subjective value off of what other people think.

Tbf, it’s not like the reasons for why it was half done can’t be understood here.

While it can be argued that the icons, loading screen art and jouneral entires can be easily solved (and that would be right since it’s UI art), that’s not so much so for Pre-rendered cinematics (esp spanning back since 2004 mind you) and esp world objects which typically Blizzard uses phases in the world to convey progression in the world when you done or doing a quest. It gets harder when you’re also trying to factor in a toggle here.

Unless you specifically tag those objects under the toggle much like with particle effects or grass, but i don’t know the engine, so i can’t know for sure how they do things.

It’s strange people want to go back to everyone running around in clown suits

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Ppl like to show off its part of the game :dracthyr_nod:

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Because it completely eliminates a players agency in the game.

They spend the time and effort to play dress up as they like, and your filter completely disregards it.

We should have “change everyone to Noname” “Remove all cosmetic choices of the player include hair cuts, colors, etc.” “Make everyone a gnome, because, hey, why not?”

And, of course, the ever popular “Naturalist” option that just removes everyones gear completely.


I would argue there are more actual clown suits now lol

Couldn’t have posted this is one of the various other hide transmog threads? There’s a good handful of them now.

None that I saw till this morning, but apparently it’s a wanted feature if there’s so many threads about it!

It’s probably the same 1 or 2 people making the threads.


Isn’t there a way to check?

This already had an active thread you’ve been posting in and didn’t need a second one. Don’t spam the forums just to troll.

Woah calm down lol
First, I made this thread yesterday when I didnt see any others of this nature.

Second, am I not aloud to post in multiple threads?

Whenever a “grass roots” idea gets spammed by nearly 0 post count forum avatars, it almost always means there is something going on behind the scenes.

So yeah. Gonna be skeptical that this many “brand new, non alt forum avatars” suddenly all decided to come to the forums for this issue organically.

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Meh, it’s Koffein. On their totally not-alt.