Client side toggles

I think that is a neat option especially for ppl who rp, that way you do not see obnoxious mounts and mogs to break immersion

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Except it would ruin RP immersion.

You know this. I know this.

I have zero reason to be worked up over nonsense threads. If you don’t like transmog, go play a single player game. Fashion isn’t just for people to stare at themselves. It’s to be unique to others around them in a social environment in an MMO.

Done and muted.

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S tier trolling. Wp

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Idk what to tell you man.

I already told you I previously posted on koffien, I deleted koffien because I never played it and the new patch was a good time to prune.

I don’t know why you think this is a gotcha

But I can see your a big fan of mine :rofl:

Sure. Give 'em a toggle so their sensibilities aren’t offended.

There we go, another vote for toggle! Lol

Wonder if you feel the same about the new spider toggle

I turned it on day one.

Of course :joy:

Dunno what’s funny, I’m pro-toggle.

Yeah that’s awesome, that’s what the thread is about!

Client side Tmog toggle!

Yeah, I don’t care what you see.

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actually i think blizzard should allow you to choose which players you want to see transmog of. also they should allow you to change how you see specific pieces of other players’ transmog. it doesn’t affect the game for anyone else so it’s fine

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Yeah why not, I mean blizzard has already proven their stance on client side toggles by adding them in.

More options right?

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If anything a clown wears is considered a suit, then you’re adding to that count.

This is the forums, where a vocal minority yell endlessly into the Void. But keep huffing that copium. Cheers.

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The vocal minority do in fact be loud lol unfortunately

So do tell, what’s your opinion on a Tmog client side toggle, since blizzard is already pro client side toggles and more options are always better right?

No it doesn’t. You still can mog your own stuff. So what if one person turns off mogs cilent side?

How about you ask yourself why you need their validation (and constantly may i add) and why you consider it more important then what you want? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There’s honestly no need to be selfish over a suggestion of what is basically a graphic setting. Something that people use all the time. We don’t get angry (or at least i hope) over people playing the game at low settings.

If you aren’t looking for validation and have no problem just mogging to what you want to look like, then this suggestion OP suggested shouldn’t be an issue to you then. :man_shrugging:

These still exist. :point_down:

And oddly enough, i don’t see you complaining about it. This option to having a toggle here is as good as low graphics toggle. :man_shrugging:

Except immersion is subjective, as well RP for that matter.

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