Clicking in game no longer makes ur cursor do a little blink?

I’m not sure if I’m going crazy here but before pre-patch launched when you clicked something/nothing in wow your mouse cursor would do a little blink and disappear for a split second then re-appear. Now this is different then the clicking and moving your camera around which makes your cursor disappear until you unclick. I’m honestly not sure how to properly explain it. I’m probably going crazy but something has been off about the cursor in game ever since pre-patch has hit I swear!


I know what you’re talking about.

It doesn’t seem game-breaking.

Sorry. I’m just a little shaken up from getting rocked and rolled in battlegrounds all night long.

Also, if this is your big problem right now, then you’re doing pretty good in prepatch.

You’re right it’s not game breaking but it’s really bothering me lmao. I tried looking for it in the interface mouse options but couldn’t find anything related to it. I know it’s a small (I wouldn’t even call it a feature) thing that no one realized went away but its made an impact on me you know? Whenever I click it feels like I’m not really clicking and my brain literally cant wrap itself around that

Noticed it. Made a thread about it. It’s bothering me too.


I couldn’t find any other forums related to this LMAO bless, thank you.

Bloodscale Helm removes your beard when you transmog into it.

That’s one of my prepatch problems.

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I reported this on beta, it’s driving me legit crazy. I think this is the second live thread I’ve seen on it and the 4th if you include beta


I noticed it right away after logging in. It bothers me very much. A visual feedback is very important for me. Now things just feels very off.

why they change stuff like this randomly is beyond me, totally unnecessary, hope it gets reverted. the cursor was fine before, why change it?

I literally thought I was going crazy too. I hope they change it back, it is really bothering me as well.

Having no visual feedback on clicking feels horrible. Unfortunately this issue was identified early on in beta/ptr cycles and Blizzard hasn’t addressed it so I am afraid we are stuck with this downgraded cursor.

I think everything I click on lights up when it’s clicked, so I haven’t noticed this. I’ll have to check this out now. I’m curious.

I know it’s probably a minor thing but the click change bugged me a lot too, because it looks like there’s no visual feedback to the click occurring unless I’m turning my camera. The first thing I did was try to find an option to change it back in the interface settings but there wasn’t one. :frowning:

Lol. I thought it was the battery on my cordless mouse i use when i travel. I changed the battery! No change! :confused: :rofl: