Alright, hold up

Okay, so you all know how when you click in WoW to turn the camera, before you even move the mouse, it disappears, right? Does it not do that anymore? Because now the cursor only disappears after I begin turning the camera.

This is so minor. I realize this. But it bothers me. Is this a bug? Is it me? Are other people noticing it?


I will have to take your word that it did something different before.

well now I notice it

SEE?! It’s bothering me!


You are the worst for making us notice this

We all know Blizzard will take 2 years to fix this.


Known solution is to turn off all of your addon that uses backdrop (Or just turn them all off for now).

I’m convinced it’s a Mandela effect. People not realizing it’s gone until someone says something about it and then they’re all like “:thinking:” this is all sus

For real though, this is really bothering me. Lowkey unplayable LMAO it feels like my mouse is not doing it’s job

No addons doesn’t fix anything.

Month ago