I did not have any luck with the macro.
This is what worked for me. Fishing Buddy notoriously turns off click-to-move if you have a fishing pole equipped. Since DF introduced the Profession Equipment, when you learn the fishing pole, you now permanently have one equipped, and the addon fights with your setting, and constantly disables it.
If you don’t have Fishing Buddy, then there might be another addon that is doing this, and removing it should fix the issue.
Found a string in an old post and wanted to share what’s working for me as a work-around December 2023.
Create a Macro
Use this to Toggle On / Off (shows status after macro run)
/run local k,v = “autointeract” v = C_CVar.GetCVar(k) C_CVar.SetCVar(k, 1 - v) print("Auto Interact " … (v == “1” and “Disabled” or “Enabled”))
Use this to Toggle On (shows status after macro run)
/run local k,v = “autointeract” v = C_CVar.GetCVar(k) C_CVar.SetCVar(k, 1) print(“Auto Interact Enabled”)
Use this to Toggle On (No message) - I use this one in myself
/run local k,v = “autointeract” v = C_CVar.GetCVar(k) C_CVar.SetCVar(k, 1)
I’m not 100% sure yet if this is a fix. I have logged in and out numerous times. Sometimes with a fishing pole equipped, sometimes my weapons. Sometimes switching back and forth a few times, playing around with /reload.
All that said, this is what I did to “fix” this issue:
Go to your AddOn installation folder for the version you are using.
Open the folder for FishingBuddy
Underneath that folder, open the file called “FishingBuddy.lua” without quotation marks, as a text file, if it asks.
Use the windows Find feature. (CTRL + F). A box should pop up for you to enter information. Type in “Move”, again without quotation marks.
Click “find next” - you will see “move” highlight at the bottom of your screen. This is the first instance of “Move” it finds. Keep using “find next” until you see (resetClickTo) before Move.
Within that short section, you will see a line that says:
SetCVar(“autoInteract”, 0);
Change the zero to a 1 and save the file. If you’re in-game while doing this, you may need to /reload or log out completely for a fresh load.
I hope this works as well for everyone else as it did for me.
Well, 3 days of playing around and I haven’t once lost my click-to-move functionality. It seems this really does work if you use click-to-move all the time as I do.
I can say that I too have done what you said and it worked for me as well. Additionally, I just deleted FishingBuddy because as soon as they update the bug will be back and I won’t remember how I fixed it.