/cleartarget not functioning properly?

When cleartarget works for me, it works 2-3 times… then stops working.
I can kill the game and come back, it works a few times again, then stops working.
When it stops working, I can run away with the target behind me and it stays targeted, never clearing, never re-targeting.

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Thank you. That (setCVar scripts) seems to fix the issue I’m having with it working, then not working.

using this ppost for wcl update kekw

This is still broken in SOD.

I confirm this.

I would like to know what to do with this commands.
I tried it in-game and seems didn’t work.

They work on classic wotlk. You won’t get a message in game when you run the commands but if you use an addon such as advanced interface options you can see the cvar

Ok, thank you!

Rezzing an old post because I skipped dragonflight and got irritated that my original pickpocket sap spam has been broken for like the fourth time since Cata.

Here is my fix for rogues, there are similar ones above but this will let you 1-button pick/sap perfectly at your most centered target (unless they are packed very tight, I think blizz changed targeting to “hit” the closest mob circle edge instead of closest mob circle center (or something less accurate.) but you can overshoot left or right to get mobs with smaller target circles. Minor adjustment to form but this is the only macro that doesn’t use cVAR editing and works almost like it did in Legion/Cata.

it clears target at the end which is kind of a nice feature for what we do as rogue. Makes it less useful for PvP. If you put the cleartarget anywhere else, it just works like tab-target.

I had a physical, metaphysical, absolute need for this macro so I could farm Bubbling Wax off Kobolds.