/cleartarget not functioning properly?

I’m thinking @mouseover would be an OK substitute for pick pocketing… Ugh why they always mess with macros.

#showtooltip Pick Pocket
/target [@mouseover]
/use Pick Pocket

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Same here. Cleartarget works alone in a macro, but not along with targetenemy, which does execute if I manually clear targets first with ESC.

This breaks the game for me, so I’m glad I haven’t paid for Dragonflight yet. Back to FFXIV.

Logging in once a week to see if it’s been fixed yet (Until my 1 month gold sub runs out.)

Try /clearenemy

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That’s not a command.

Turn off “Enable Interact Key”, “Interact with Target” kb and “Enable Action Targeting” - my macros are back to functioning.

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dude i tried this out and this is as good as its gonna get i think it works like it used to but now has a tab target function built in which is not to bad tbh

That sadly didn’t seem to work for me. :frowning:

Same, does nothing

Anyone found a way to fix this yet it is so, so irritating :frowning:

Add me to the list of victims. I’ve been using these two macros forever. Now they don’t work properly. :frowning:

/cast [nocombat] Sap

/cast [nocombat] Sap
/cast Pick Pocket

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Hi i have been trouble shooting this and I found that the /cleartarget command does not work when in the same macro as a certain spell, things like Cheap Shot, Sap, Gouge, but works for others like Shiv and Sinister Strike. This leads me to believe it is a feature not a bug. The devs apparently do not like the Sap and Pick Pocket spam, but think targeting the nearest enemy with a general damage dealing attack is ok.

has anyone else tested nonstealth moves with stealth moves?


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I found a workaround for pickpocketing. I put the /cleartarget after /cast pick pocket. You end up having to hit the macro twice instead of once, but it does let you spam one button to pick pockets.

/cast pick pocket

If pick pocket is successful, the target will stay your target and you will have to hit the button a second time. It will then tell you the target already had its pockets picked and deselect the target.

This likely will not work with sap or attack macros because it only deselects the target if the cast is unsuccessful.

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Hello there! I’ve been suffering the same macro problem as most of you here. Decided to experiment and noticed that this macro seems to behave the same as our old friend “/cleartarget”… may he rest in peace.

/cast [harm, nodead] sap


This is mine works fine to clear old target use this for pick pocketing when bored

#show tooltip Pick Pocket



/stopmacro [noexists]

/cast Pick Pocket

Does absolutely nothing; it’s not a valid command.

#show and #showtooltip are 2 different commands, there’s no space in it.

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No idea but target=nil does indeed work.

So what we’ve gotten is /cleartarget is fundamentally broken for SOME PEOPLE. I have had friends test and confirm that the normal


macro works 100% fine for them, and have had other friends along with myself have it completely non-functional in that it never clears the target and won’t clear until manually dropped. We have no idea what’s causing it, but the targetlasttarget, target=nil, and targetself commands all work in place of /cleartarget.

If anyone could find out what in the hell is going on here that’d be grand

Didn’t in my testing but I’ll take another look at it.

confirmed it does absolutely nothing on retail.

Im talking about WoTLk, sorry. It’s a few builds behind retails client

Hey everyone I’m late but here’s the fix

If you experience issue with the outdated random sap macro or cleartarget, do this to fix your issue:

/run SetCVar("SoftTargetInteract", 0)
/run SetCVar("SoftTargetEnemy", 0)
  • SoftTargetInteract & SoftTargetEnemy - Game sets value to ‘1’ when you disable it in the Interface Settings. 0 = off.