Clearing up the difference between Premades VS Queue Syncing

Premading refers to when a single group of 2-5 players queues together for a battleground. Typically organized in advance from a guild or a group of friends, they can communicate, assign roles, and coordinate their strategies more effectively than a “pug” group.

Queue Syncing:
Queue syncing involves multiple pre-made groups coordinating their queues to get into the same battleground match. Instead of just one group organizing, several groups work together to time their queues so they all enter the same game as a larger, coordinated team.

This usually requires communication and the use of add-ons to ensure that the groups enter the same lobby.

Are premade groups against the ToS?
No, premade groups are not against the rules. Players are allowed to queue together as a group and work together to coordinate their efforts in a BG.

However, while premading itself is perfectly acceptable, there are some behaviors related to premades that could be considered unsporting by the playerbase. But this does not mean it is against the rules.

Are Queue Synced groups against the ToS?
Short answer, maybe. It’s a grey area as it currently stands.
Long answer: Queue-syncing can be considered against the rules if it involves exploiting or disruption.

While the act of coordinating with other groups to enter the same battleground is not inherently illegal, queue-syncing can become problematic if it is done to intentionally manipulate the game’s matchmaking system in a way that creates unfair, unbalanced matches. If several pre-made groups coordinate their queues to stack multiple strong teams on one side, it will always result in an overwhelming advantage that negatively impacts the experience of players on the opposing team.

Blizzard’s policies specifically discourage practices that disrupt fair gameplay or create imbalanced matches. If queue-syncing is done with the help of third-party add-ons or through other disruptive tactics, it could be seen as abusive behavior.

Whether you are pro or anti premade, pro or anti queue-syncing. As a community we need to at least all agree to distinguish between the two so the discussion can remain relevant on here and Blizzard can act accordingly.

Thank you for your time in reading my yap. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


You can write something and use AI to format it/make it more readable while still keeping the original message intact.

8k posts terminally online hardstuck sub2k paladin recognised, character ignored (from now).

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everyone already knows the difference

make friends have fun

You would think so Fritz but after a little bit of reading around here, the two seem to be used interchangeably.

Anyone who has been around for a while should know the difference but there are a few people on forums with not a lot going on upstairs. They always seem to be the loudest and biggest underachievers as well.

Incidentally, they also hide on Classic alts.

OP seems reasonable enough.

5-man premades likely have nothing to worry about in terms of blizz doing anything to disallow your method of play where you make up 1/2 or 1/3 of a team in a regular BG. My only complaint against premades in regular BGs is you should be asking to be matched vs. other premades and not against pugs. Maybe you are, but I never see it. It seems like most regular BG premades do want to stomp pugs.

About syncing groups, the most recent blue post on the subject said it isn’t cheating. The blue spelled out using the 1, 2, 3, queue method is not cheating, and that’s exactly what syncing groups do. You can do this without any addons.

For anyone reasonable, the issue that has always been the problem is queue disruption. So in other words, groups purposely dropping pops (for whatever reason) and essentially causing one team to have fewer people than they should when the BG starts. To be clear, this is fixable by blizz if they made changes such that a BG will not start until both sides have equal numbers loaded in.

Unfortunately this forum is in such a bad state that you can’t really have honest discussions about the issues. People would rather just automatically dismiss or report posts with reasonable points or truths because they “dislike” the poster. Do people really want to improve the game, or are they mainly interested in toxic forum PvP? From what I’ve seen this xpac it’s the latter.

If blizz does anything I sincerely hope they do it to the best of their own design ability, taking anything said on the forum with a grain of salt. The BG forum hasn’t been a place for worthwhile ideas in a long time.

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This is my take on that whole thing.

Why keep trying to push this lie when everyone knows it’s a bunch of bull.


This is incorrect.

It’s like bourbons and whiskeys. All bourbons are whiskeys, but not all whiskeys are bourbons. Queue syncing is a premade group. No one is calling a 2 man group a premade. Just to further this point, you can queue sync with two players, so suggesting it only applies to larger groups is wrong. That’s the entire argument of win trading. People are queue syncing to get into the same side or the opposite side of someone to intentionally lose or help them.

Context is what matters. When anyone is talking about a premade in an epic, everyone understands what it is.

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Nope. You are wrong buddy.

Premade = 1 group
Q Sync = multiple premades.

Well, that’s an odd response to a first interaction.

People hiding on classic alts really does bring the forum down.

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Heck no! We don’t want to silence Laz we want to unleash him! He’s another good guy who stands up against cheating que synchers and their garbage communities

They are trying to manipulate the queue system. Nothing grey about it, it’s against ToS.


OP really trying to compare q syncing v premading? there both the same lol.


Really good post. A lot of miscommunication can happen when people are confused about what a word means. It’s safe to say that all the posts about premades are actually about queue syncing groups.


Hiding on a Classic alt and creating an echo chamber isn’t doing what you think it is, kid.

Why do you think a group of say 40 people with one group that queue together would be collectively called a premade? That just doesn’t make sense.

A premade outside of pvp is a group of random people, or partially random people who found each other from using the premade group finder. It’s not a group of people who are friends and queue together. At best you could say that 5 mans queuing together are partial premades, but even that is agains the actually termonology in WoW.

This feels like pedantic bs to avoid the debate. If you really think people are complaining about people queuing together and are just calling it the wrong thing then that is fine. You can call it whatever you want but the general consensus from what I have seen is when people are complaining about premades…it’s not one group of 5 that queued together.

You can say they are all wrong and using the wrong terminology, but you haven’t really come up with why your term is correct. You just keep saying you are right and everyone else is wrong on terminology.

So let’s just skip it. It’s a pointless side argument. People can clarify. If you think they are using it wrong ask them to clarify and move on. Stop trying to dunk on people for pedantic bs. It doesn’t move the conversation along at all.

To clarify using your preferred language, which is all it really is, queue syncing is bad mmkay?

I suggest you accept the commonly used term premade to mean a queue sync’d group beyond the 5 person queue limit. That is what people are generally talking about, sorry that you are confused.

This classic poster is literally insulting people, post stays up. I talk about kayaking in the lounge forum, post removed, threaten with ban, just lol, lmao even.


Just want to put a finer point on this. The term premade is only mentioned in the UI for the custom group finder. It means that no…they at the very least are not made up entirely of guild or groups of friends…it is literally a tool to find random people that want to do the same thing you do, but filter them out before jumping in queue with each other, or because there is no queue…ie world content.

So your idea that this is the definition of what a premade is and everyone is using it wrong is just made up. I would say at best people are using the term for both, but in general people on the forums complaining about premades are not talking about 5 mans. They are talking about premade raid groups. I see far more evidence of it being used that way than your way, so I reject your definition.

On the wow pvp forums, when someone says “man I keep running into premades”, thy mean premade raid groups via qsync.

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And no, they aren’t.

Hence why I made this post.

So many people coming out of the woodwork proving my point about why we need to distinguish between the two.


Premade = 2-5 Players
Q Sync = Multiple Premades.

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