Premading refers to when a single group of 2-5 players queues together for a battleground. Typically organized in advance from a guild or a group of friends, they can communicate, assign roles, and coordinate their strategies more effectively than a “pug” group.
Queue Syncing:
Queue syncing involves multiple pre-made groups coordinating their queues to get into the same battleground match. Instead of just one group organizing, several groups work together to time their queues so they all enter the same game as a larger, coordinated team.
This usually requires communication and the use of add-ons to ensure that the groups enter the same lobby.
Are premade groups against the ToS?
No, premade groups are not against the rules. Players are allowed to queue together as a group and work together to coordinate their efforts in a BG.
However, while premading itself is perfectly acceptable, there are some behaviors related to premades that could be considered unsporting by the playerbase. But this does not mean it is against the rules.
Are Queue Synced groups against the ToS?
Short answer, maybe. It’s a grey area as it currently stands.
Long answer: Queue-syncing can be considered against the rules if it involves exploiting or disruption.
While the act of coordinating with other groups to enter the same battleground is not inherently illegal, queue-syncing can become problematic if it is done to intentionally manipulate the game’s matchmaking system in a way that creates unfair, unbalanced matches. If several pre-made groups coordinate their queues to stack multiple strong teams on one side, it will always result in an overwhelming advantage that negatively impacts the experience of players on the opposing team.
Blizzard’s policies specifically discourage practices that disrupt fair gameplay or create imbalanced matches. If queue-syncing is done with the help of third-party add-ons or through other disruptive tactics, it could be seen as abusive behavior.
Whether you are pro or anti premade, pro or anti queue-syncing. As a community we need to at least all agree to distinguish between the two so the discussion can remain relevant on here and Blizzard can act accordingly.
Thank you for your time in reading my yap.