Clearing up the difference between Premades VS Queue Syncing

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Your not believing premades queue by doing the 1, 2, 3, Q method is on you.

Again, you can’t have any real discussion with people who refuse to accept facts.

I think I see what you’re trying to say, but all that’s really needed is context. What needs to be clear is if someone is talking about regular BGs or epic BGs.

Also keep in mind that the ‘solo only’ people will ALWAYS claim it’s a “premade” even when it isn’t. I see this a lot, especially on alliance side epic BGs. ‘Solo onlies’ cannot be counted on to be credible.

Ahh the irony of you saying this. But you wouldn’t understand.

Like I have said repeatedly, this isn’t all you guys do. But you don’t care about facts.

If your point was that queue syncing communities want to have fights with other queue syncing communities, you’d have a point and Blizzard really should allow for that without the need for obtuse queue syncing requirements.

Unfortunately the reality is that most queue syncing groups don’t want anything resembling a fair fight and as one person discovered, would rather dodge 26 queues in one hour than have one fight against another sync’d up group.

This is indistinguishable from overt win trading. Win trading is explicitly in violation of the TOS.

100% win rate on Korrak’s Revenge, 78% on IoC, 73% on Ashran, 82% on Alterac Valley, 66% win rate on Wintergrasp.

I think we all know exactly why you’re here.

Pre-made groups are a smaller version of the problem sync groups present. In any other game it wouldn’t even be up for debate because structured PVP content is completely isolated from solo PVP content and pugs aren’t expected to compete with parties.

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Healing is really important and thats mostly what I do, and I que up alot solo. Thanks for showing my stats over 16 years.


Link for this blue post?

This is the one that gets referenced a lot.

I mean this confirms nothing really. It’s also from 2019. The queue sync issue didn’t really blow up until Slands I think. It’s also clearly hurting the bracket. It also keeps referring to old AV so I wonder if this relates to Korrak’s AV?

Either way we know customer support isn’t always on the ball with some of this stuff that isn’t really clearly defined. It’s odd though because no were else in the game can you queue sync except BGs so this is a BG specific thing. If they are OK with people sync queuing and going above the 5 man limit, why even have the limit? I have also pointed this out. In SOD they allowed full premades and it destroyed WSG. They changed that pretty quick because of how awful it was for most of the player base.

I have no dog in this fight. I’m just showing you the link. :slight_smile:

Oig the relitigating of something that is blatantly bad over and over again.

You notice they don’t say it isn’t cheating…just that it isn’t considered cheating. Gotta love legalize.

The fact that they haven’t responded since then is gross.

Oh I know. I was just responding to it lol.

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fwiw I would consider q-syncing cheating but I am just one person.

Premading (as in 1 group of 2-5 players) is definitetly not cheating, just frowned upon.

Premades is a group formed before queuing. Pre-forming a group before the game finds a random group for you. As the maximum amount of players that can queue in a group for a BG is 5, a premade is up to 5.

This has been a term since before queue syncing multiple groups into epics was a thing … or even needed. It’s been around since vanilla

Adroi brings up a good point though, you can sync queues for other things, even dungeons, so people should specify it’s epic BG sync queue premades if that’s your issue. There are as many people who complain about epic BG sync queueing as there are who complain about 5 man premades in random BGs, but going through the threads you would have no idea which until the OP clarifies later on in the post