Cleaning my apartment for Shadowlands

Really makes me appreciate my Mom more. Keeping this place clean and free of dust is an absolute disaster.

No idea how my mom always managed to keep the house clean 24/7 as a kid.


I’m really happy for you and your cleaning adventure.


When I was a teenager, oh so many decades ago, my room was an absolute mess. But if you needed that pencil I knew right where it was.

When I had kids of my own, I would let them mess up their room but mom had other ideas.

Now my computer room looks like a tornado went thru it. Computers, servers, routers, boxes and boxes of computer stuff and cables running everywhere. Hard to move around in here. But i know where everything is. lol

Gotta Roomba?


Can you clean my apartment next? I’ll make you dinner :partying_face:


Having an air purifier is a big help, when you change the filter on it you’ll be shocked at the amount of crap floating around in the air.


My mom managed to keep the house clean by making me do it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I confess that my own home has more than a touch of dust in the corners.

Feel rather the opposite. A dust down, a wipe followed by a vacuum. Monthly window clean. I move furniture to make sure dust doesn’t build up.

Mind you it’ll be a different ball game when I have a 5 bedroom house and 3 kids or something :sob:.

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I’m moving tomorrow and this post is stressing me out. So much to do. >.<

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Clean a little every day, look at it in the same light you looked at homework. Piles up if you ignore it.

You have a good mom. Do as she does and prioritize hygiene over a video game.

This. Get a robovac.

Won’t help as much with the dusting though, but that shouldn’t take longer than 30 mins unless you live in a mansion.

You’re welcome

Swap out number 5 under left hand column misc to every two weeks though.

Beds get very dirty very quickly, even if it doesnt appear to be so. Your skin will thank you for it.

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Step 1: Don’t have kids.
Step 2: If kids, send to grandparents.
Step 3: Don’t own carpet
Step 4: Don’t own pets.
Step 5: If pets, pick hypoallergenic
Step 6: Release 20 Roombas

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It’s easier to keep your living space clean if you clean it regularly once a week, and then every month or few months do a really deep cleaning of all the harder to reach areas. That’s what I do, and what’s my mom taught me to do.

I only clean on the weekends. Mon-Fri is me time.

Your Mom is feeling the warm tingling of appreciation right now. :smiley:


Similarly I’m doing a crazy Xmas cleaning extravaganza! Cleaning carpets, all the corners. Super dusty here too (even with purifiers as someone had mentioned).

My mom also had a perfectly neat house when I was a kid, but I was an only child. She had it easy :stuck_out_tongue:

I definitely relax more and am able to play in total focus when my place is tidy.

It feels like I deep clean every single day, but my kids are AnIMalS. And so is my cat.

Don’t forget the window sills. Everyone forgets the window sills.

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Lol ill let her know on Sunday. I go out to eat with her every weekend.