Cleaning my apartment for Shadowlands

Mine has dust dinosaurs. They ate the dust bunnys.


It really did snap for me. Around 17 Iā€™d say. Went from disgusting room to disgusted by it.

Now Iā€™m slightly older with my own place and I have to keep it super clean at all times. Dust is killer! How does it keep happening! I just dusted that three days ago!

I hope you know and this is kinda gross but 90% of the dust in your house is your own, and others dead skin.

Puts dust in a whole new perspective, donā€™t it.

Which is why we own the super Bissell that sucks up everything. But seriously, no one should own carpet unless itā€™s a throw rug

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come to think of it ; i never dusted anything.

/shrug itā€™s fine iā€™m not allergic.

do ppl really go around with a feathery stick to gather up dust? i thought that was just in movies/tvshows - dont have the patience.

No sleep of course.

Oh you have no idea. Just wait till you find moldy food in their sock drawer, and dirty socks in the refrigerator.

Youā€™ll feel like the punch line in some cosmic joke.

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Smartest statement even written on the forums.

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I hope you find a routine that works for you. It makes the process easier. I clean daily. Because of that, I never have a lot to clean or feel overwhelmed.

Open a window for 5 minutes.

keeping the socks cold for a hot summers day. maybe I can learn a thing or two :stuck_out_tongue: