Class/Race Combos & Player Customization

Personally I like to think that my characters’ hooves are nice and soft and totally stealthy :wink:

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Miska is a rogue. We see rangari as capable rogues… they are even labeled rogues as followers. And we see eredar rogues. We even see a dranei rogue enemy in the starting zone. Note that dranei are one of the classes that didn’t get an extra class in Cataclysm. Rogue would have been the perfect candidate then.


I like to think after the war on Draenor my Draenei Paladin continued to take care of the garrison and raised a family.

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Mishka has literally never fought anything in a single one of her appearances.

Mishka is a non-combatant who happens to be stealthy.

Mishka is indeed a Draenei Rogue and not a Monk. Her abilities include Bandage, Evasion, Eviscerate, Expose Armor, Fan of Knives and Sinister Strike. All of these abilities are used in the [Alliance Only] scenario Lion's Landing.

I recall using her in the Jade Forest Quests.

Huh. I did not know she ever actually fought anything.

Whelp it helps to do loremaster… to see all the race/class comboes that aren’t playable. I have seen tauren mages, blood elf shamans, goblin monks, night elf shaamn/druid hybrids, etc. Stranglethorn human shamans.

Thank you for the Worgen shaman bump, OP.

You may want to include Zeliek of the four horseman in the Undead Paladin category.

I’m just over here waiting for Sin’dorei druids to come back from Lordaeron.

I been wanting undead and blood elf shaman on horde.


Shaman would be cool. But druid is where my heart is for blood elves. I love the druid class, but all my friends play horde. Taurens & Trolls are not my cup of tea. It’s why my Night Elf Druid has remained with the alliance.

Blood elves had botanist lore. Sadly blizzard sad that doesn’t count as druids. Even if botanists get a tree form.

gob and worgen should both get monk, just cause they should

the animations work on them, everyone else has it


I mean in WC2 the elves of Quel’thalas aided Lordaeron with rangers, mages, and druids. Our original ward stones before the retcon were druid ward stones. We had a world tree named Thas’alah before Arthas razed it.

To me, Sin’dorei druids long overdue. :frowning_man:

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Adding Starion into the OP!
Thanks for the addition!

I hope these combos after shadowlands:

Night elf : paladin
Wogen: paladin/shaman
Draenei: rogue
Dwarf: druid
Void Elf: demon hunter
LF Draenei: monk

Pandaren: paladin/druid (august celestials forms)

Orc: demon hunter
Blood Elf: druid
Undead: paladin
Zandalari: warlock
Mag’har: druid


Yes I would love for them to be druids.

Broken - former Dranei are also druids but blizz devs said they aren’t really druids… I hope they un retcon them to be druids again personally.

Dranei druids are also viable.

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This is also a neat possibility to think about. Since supposedly the reason the Draenei have Shamanism available in the first place is because their broken forms were super into Shamanism.


Or FOR Shadowlands.

I’m still wanting to keep this thread toward the top so that the devs etc will see that people are in favor of new race class combinations. We want this for Shadowlands!