Classic...WOD? Would you play it?

Not so sure how many expansions they will continue to release Classic. Unlike many it seems, I actually enjoyed WOD. I think it would be awesome to actually complete the expansion and add in everything that had been intended but was scrapped. However, I suppose that would defeat the purpose of it being “Classic”.


i will not.


Absolutely 0 interest.


No. I endured the entirety of WoD. What it had, it was good. But it had almost nothing.

And, two things will always permanently sour WoD for me:

  1. The start of the awful pruning (that eventually led to Legion’s even-worse pruning)
  2. The near-success in the removal of flight

No, thank you.


I might be prepared to pay Blizzard for them not to devote one iota of my ongoing subscription monies to doing it.


Classic, no. Remix? Yes! Assuming they were to also make available all that cool gear we never got before, as they seem to be doing with MoP Remix.


Considering how horribly WoD did, remixing it would be the only plausible way to create an even remotely successful classic version.


My eyes, they burn :laughing:

I won’t really play Classic anything unless they tie a promotion similar to the Wrath one to it. And then I’ll get my thing and be on my way.


This is a brilliant idea. Because WoD’s strong suits (IMO) are its questing experience, dungeons, and raids.


For regular WoD, Remix would be the best way to go. The only way I’ll play WoD Classic is if we get Classic +, ie everything they promised and left out of the expansion. That probably won’t happen, so I’ll drop Classic after MoP.


I would but only so I could warrior sword and board dps, that was my favorite spec of all time, and i’m still sad it’s gone.

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Nope, I’m not interested in any version of Classic past Wrath. To me, that defeats the purpose of Classic - that is to see the old world as it was before all the changes.

I’ll stick with SOD.

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No. My interest fell off entirely shortly after TBC launched.
SoD gives me a burst of motivation to play classic every patch and that’s about it.

I won’t even play Cata Classic, let alone WoD.


Yes I would, I loved the leveling in WoD!

they will continue as long as you keep playing their recycled content.

I might if only to see the actual story as so much was cut I was often confused as to why things happened and why I was doing things.

But I would have to be in the mood to deal with the garrison again.

They’d have to make so many changes for WoD to be worth doing that I doubt it’s even worth it, considering the history of that expansion works against it.

The classic series should honestly end with MoP, IMO. Legion and onwards plays similarly enough to Dragonflight that I can’t imagine there being any significant community niche for it.

Has this concept just run its course at this point?

I wouldn’t be surprised to see them back off of this and focus more on iterations like sod or pandamonium, until some nee idea comes along.

What is the over/under on the number of servers that will run Cata Classic? 3 maybe?