Classic's success will forever change retail for the better

I only see Wyrmrest accord players there, and maybe a Moonguard person if they’re grouped with friends.


I am just trying to figure out what your point is, i guess!

Within the context of the OP pushing propaganda.

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Well but that isn’t what he said…

You seem to have it all figured out, no need for my input.

Because they’re mixing together 2 high pop RP realms. When I played on ED I rarely saw any players from my own realm in the open world.

I am asking for it. Because I have no clue what point you are trying to make.

I have tried to guess, and apparently I am wrong.

So help clear it up!

(unless you dont actually have one, and are just using this as cover)

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He has repeatedly bashed wow over and over and over in multiple threads. He is just a hater pretending he has stocks so he can pretend his hating is from a position of vested interest as if bad mouthing a game and those who enjoy it are a good thing to do.


I only see Wyrmrest the vast majority of the time… sooo? Don’t know what to tell you.


My realm is very active and has tons of players. I’m on a RP server and it’s doing fine. My friends list is still very active.

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That your experience differs from mine. And for me personally part of the reason I’m waiting for Classic.


Classic might do well enough to justify its own expenses, but I sincerely doubt it will be earthshakingly successful. It will have a niche customer base.


ED? I whole heartedly disagree that the realm is doing fine. This pales in comparison to what we had in MoP.

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I know you’re getting a lot of flak for this post right now OP but by December everyone will know you are right.


I am cautiously hyped about Classic, cause I started out in Cata so I didn’t experience WoW the way it used to be.

But to make the claim that Classic is gonna be way more popular than BfA? I mean, sure BfA is boring right now. But who knows, maybe I am just bored of WoW, and Classic won’t automatically make me not bored? I am going to wait til a month or two after Classic releases before I claim whether or not retail is on suicide watch.

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Especially since this is it pretty much for retail until next year. No big content patches till atleast Jan or MAR. Naj and Mecha couldnt hold peoples interest for even a month

I hope it does go well… I am looking forward to dabbling with it from time to time, but when I think of classic. my Fond memories are mostly with the people I shared them with, and they no longer play. the Magic of Exploring the game for the first time was so great in classic. but I also believe the game has improved with every expansion.

The grind of classic is a great memory, not sure it will be the same in its Second coming. but I’m not rooting against its success!

No it didn’t

There are 17043 active raiding guilds this patch alone, who have done at least 1/8 Eternal Palace

Most guilds have about 100-200 unique players.

That alone can = anywhere from 1,700,000 to 3.4 million players.

Just the guild kills alone = 511,000 players at min

This game has more than 17,043 active guilds, and there are a lot more that don’t raid at all

In classic you cant blow through leveling like you do now. Its takes a considerable amount of time. As well as professions actually being pretty useful

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Thats some next level White Knighting and some nice made up numbers

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You clearly didn’t play classic at all.

My mage was Level 10 on July 19th 2006, it didn’t reach 60 till Sept, and that was with me playing like through summer break at least 7 hours a day.