Classic's success will forever change retail for the better

You aren’t winning any point with me.

I still have more invested here than you.

Easy to talk smack when you have zero invested in the product.


all sarcasm intended aside, we’re all weird

we are, afterall, arguing about a fantasy game on an internet forum with complete strangers


Crammed full? On the 3 realms I play on, 2 are high Pop 9/10 players I see have a * after their name.
2 weeks after 8.2 the new zones were pretty much dead if not for CRZ . Doing a /who during Prime time showed maybe 10 people in Naj , maybe 8 in Mecha .
Nah the game is not packed

So if you have an invested interest in the game, then why do you keep putting it down and go after those who enjoy it?

Nice fall back position.

I don’t care about your personal investments. I was only pointing out that the OP created a propaganda thread. The entire first post is based on misinformation to push a narrative.

Your personal investments have nothing to do with it, and I have no clue why you think it does.


One way or another.
Yeah, either its success or failure (being open minded) will inevitably have a strong impact on retail.

Either it will start adopting or introducing more Classic-esque things that serve the game well. Or, it will double down on the approach it’s already taken where everything is quick, readily available, and designed for short term shallow engagement. They want to hook you for a number of hours not for months on BFA’s content. It’s all incredibly short term and, dare I say, cyclical in design.

Oh look, another Classic will save WoW thread. Just what retail forums needed.


Look. I don’t know how to tell you this… but you chose a medium population realm. I’m sorry for your loss.

Go to Rustfeather and tell me there are only 8 people waiting there. Of course I am not sure if I would call camping a 1% drop on a 30-60 min spawn mob engaging game play.

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I said 2 realms I play on are High Pop

You will at the end of the month bucko.

High still isn’t Full.

crz. Most of the time I go there now no one is camping rustfeather

Only reason Blizzard did classic was to protect their ip since private servers were using their game as for it being successful I hope it is so it puts more money in Blizzards pockets for future WOW projects.

I like others see it starting out strong with a lot wanting to check it out but in a few months will be a ghost town when players see how worse then BFA it really is and they won’t get any new stuff.

Full isnt full either ever since they reclassified the realm populations

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D’you know, I forgot about that…

Also, Stamina only on tank gear. Wasn’t until TBC that they decided “oh hey, maybe high-level mages and rogues shouldn’t instantly die when they get hit”.

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Well with the power of CRZ you can make almost any current content zone look crammed.


At the end of the month I will care about your personal investments, and it will be made clear to me why that matters when I call the OP’s post a propaganda tidbit riddled with made up information?

Still alot more people than “High”.

sure… :grinning:

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