Classic's success will forever change retail for the better

you know what’s actually going to happen with classic?

a bunch of emotionally stunted wannabe “hardcore raiders” are going to flock to it so they can rehash ancient content and get pretty purples for the purpose of strutting around stormwind or orgrimmar in order to show off gear that nobody else can get.

only, unlike back in vanilla’s prime, there won’t be anyone hanging out in stormwind to check out their phat lootz and ooh and ah over their elitist superiority, so it won’t have the same satisfaction it had back then because us casuals have moved on to current retail’s “world of casualcraft” and don’t give a fart in a windstorm for their uniqueness. without an audience to lord it over, their exclusively obtained raid gear will be meaningless, and they’ll still feel as empty and worthless as they do now.


i was being generous my little white knight friend


The problem is that some of the “best” gear comes from easily completed activities.

Blizzard has lost touch with how they need to maintain player interest in their game. Yes , players love instant gratification and it is wise to use that in your game.

That said , look at games like Destiny , Diablo and even places like Casinos. They understand that if you automatically get what you want then you wont continue to play their game. They feed you small rewards in an attempt to keep you going after the big reward.

WoW needs to get back to this trend. Right now they have an EASY path to epics , that once obtained make some players feel like they dont really need to progress much further to be where they want to be. It turns the game into a boring grind where you know that if you put in time you will always get what you want.

They need to mask the time investment behind a effort/rng system again. It needs to feel like you put some kind of effort into the reward and it also needs an element of rng towards you getting the reward. That way you feel “special” because you finally got it and then you feel your “effort” was justified in the end reward.

Gear progression needs to be reworked. Instead of gradually giving players more and more items there needs to be difficulty blocks , to make you feel like youre walking up stairs rather than a ramp. Then they need to impliment cosmetic gear into the game like they used to. Each tier had a different color of gear for each class specific set per difficulty level.

TLDR; They messed up when they turned the entire gearing system into the catch up gearing system. A system that doesnt leave players with unique or interesting rewards.


This isn’t a propaganda thread, this is a investors getting the jitters cause they think their money might be wasted thread

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I like how quickly people fall to name calling.



Honestly when you get someone to break down and call you a “white knight” to me that triggers “I don’t have any real points”.


because when sub numbers werent embarrassingly low they did?

try to keep up here

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That is definitely propaganda.


Bet I have more in stocks here than you.

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I hopped on the stress test just to see what Classic was like (I’m a WoD baby) and I can see the charm and appeal. I can’t see myself playing it, though. Too many of the things I like in retail aren’t in it.


Were ESO and FFXIV around during TBC and WOTLK?


Because of how it looked. During WoD the sub numbers were taking a nose dive. It’s obvious as to what happened but it’s just a weird look to flaunt it around when things are going great and then pull plug on it when things are going bad.

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Cool I guess.

Nothing to do with what I said. Or the propaganda the OP is pushing.

Classic is so popular that it needs an entire forum to itself to contain the excitement.

Tell yourself that’s the reason if it helps.

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So do you feel its also concerning that FFXIV and ESO never have shown theirs? And continue to not do so?


You quoted me saying investors were getting jittery on classic being a flop as propaganda… and I said I have more stock invested than you, and bet you on it.

And then you made this reply?


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So what? Do you know how business works? Just because a company offers a product doesn’t mean it will get sold.

You’re subs down argument is like me saying

“Its like walking into a candy store and seeing a full box of candy bars and assuming no one buys them, when plenty of people still do.”

Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean its not happening.

Don’t play those games. So in all honesty it doesn’t really concern me at all. I’m playing WoW. And I’m concerned about the state of the this game. The others mean little to nothing to me.


To be fair, I think they keep making the Classic Forum area bigger and bigger because people keep not seeing it, and posting Classic threads in other subforums.

They think if they make it large enough, eventually it will kick in “hey, maybe people in the classic subforum is the target audience for discussing classic”


Yep. That was around in its first incarnation. Which was doing so bad it was unsustainable and had a mountain of other issues before they axed it. Square had to learn their lesson about MMOs before they rereleased the current FFXIV

I don’t know, man. I think this “rewarded for their time” is some rose-colored kool-aid we’ve all been drinking. There are some changes since Vanilla that are actually good, and people are going to get that pretty quickly.

Vanilla was harder but not always for good reasons. Soul shards and arrows being a major PITA, the miserable hit rate that warriors had on critters, never mind real mobs, and spirit on effing everything.

I’m going to play, but I also played in 2004 and I’m under zero illusions of what I’m walking into.