Classic's success will forever change retail for the better

Yeah I’ve already told everyone I know who plays WoW that classic will only last 1 or 2 months and then go down and/or be removed from the game.

it’s gonna be fun to watch. I will most likely not be playing. My best friend will be though but I know it’s all “rose-tinted glasses” with vanilla. Considering people were reporting “lack of LFG tool” as a bug, I really see how this is gonna go.


hmmm, I think more than 4-6 months maybe, at least they can enjoy level up and gear up before getting bored. lol

Seriously? That’s hilarious. :rofl:


at this point, it seems clear that both versions of the game are so different from each other that they are at this point two DIFFERENT games.

finding the right things from classic to be woven back into retail wont be as easy as it seems. The solution might not even be a perfect copy but an inspiration or a hybrid of the two systems.


These wouldn’t happen to be the same people that think spending two weeks doing dailies is unreasonable torture would they?

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Classic will last longer than that for some people but the numbers aren’t going to be in the millions.

Also there would be no point in blizzard ‘removing’ it since they already incurred the cost of making it and it will have gained them enough new $ to make it worthwhile to run the servers I imagine.

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I doubt it. The learned behaviors on BfA that include being babied and coddled are too strong. While I’ll play Classic, when I want to pick up wow on easy mode for open world content I’ll play BfA. I don’t think Classic will have any impact whatsoever on BfA and that’s just the way BfA players want it.



“I am strong, but I am the only one. Everyone else is a coddled baby who refuses to follow the pointless orders of strangers to do unrewarding tasks over and over again.”

Did I get that right?

If classic becomes main focus for blizzard. I’ll unsub

Classic will do nothing for retail. Classic exist only to please nostalgic people that want sense of community (me included) and get sub money from them

Retail will 100% continue with freemium and timegating mechanics, mobile games for world quests, endless gearing, RNG and gambling. e-sport focused hard content - all the things you like in retail.

That didn’t make any sense but ok sure

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You can post quite easily as long as you are signed into forums when it runs out you can post for as long as you want.

it’s a known bug. As you know these are third party forums with a laundry list of issues. Their solution is to force log out every month or so it seems.

Lol! There certainly are quite the number of elitists over in the classic forum. If you pop on over there you’ll see numerous threads ranting against streamers. Seems that streamers are boogie men with bad followers whom THEY don’t want on THEIR server. Problem is, servers were announced and the elitists are afraid there arent enough of them to avoid streamers.

I’ll be enjoying Classic for what it is, but the fanboys are deluding themselves if they think it’s going to overtake retail. The server count alone tells me this. It will be a great place to pop in to during down cycles, but without content updates it will have a limited shelf life.

I don’t think I’ve ever been able to gear this fast.

What I did, as DPS - normals to 345, heroics to 380.

Did a few M+ at 0 or 2. Lottery stepped in, wam bam 413 ilvl in 2 days.

I know right? My newest alt I got to 120 like 5 days or so ago is nearly 430 equip. I think it would help to reduce the number of raids to two. Make LFR a solo que thing where you’re grouped up with bots and awarded a single piece of loot or ap/gold at the end of the instance so you can see the content if you’re a hyper casual player and have a chance at getting an upgrade.

And turn heroic into normal and mythic into heroic while removing titanforging from the game and give players some agency where they can acquire the highest ilvl in the game outside of loot lottery.


It’s just numbering. Besides, BfA is almost at the one year mark. They need to keep people interested in raiding (and therefore progression) at this stage of the game.

If anything classic will eliminate 100%of the complainers on the retail forums here so I look forward to that

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Someone who actually remembers! Wow!

If you’re sick of BFA and the grind… oh, ohhh… ohhhhhhhhh… You’ve got a surprise waiting for you in Classic when the ol’ “New Car Smell” wears off.

TWO WORDS: Thorium Brotherhood.

Never forget.

Looks like they’re adding more server(s) for classic. I look forward to seeing all of you guys there. I hope the next expansion can find a good balance between Classic and Retail.

I really don’t like having lower ilvl BiS raid gear that is obtained outside of the raid and really hope that system doesn’t come back. I also want rep to be obtainable from doing dungeons/raids of the expansion to make a comeback. I really do despise the world quest system and would rather do group content to work towards gaining rep.

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