Heh, they said due to classic and Eternal Palace. My guess is because of classic drawing the private server crowd who hoping for classic beta but how much is hard to tell by revenues. At least WoW wasn’t the weak sister. it was still OW.
If WoW subs markedly increase in Q3, it’ll probably be safe to say it was primarily due to classic launch.
I feel like you are correcting what I said when I did say ’ in part’.
8.2 had flying in it. A lot of people come back when flying gets put in the game again so I don’t think you can safety assume anything anymore since blizzard themselves probably won’t know.
If people quit after Pathfinder I and re-subbed for Pathfinder II, would that be an increase in subs for Wow or would it be counted as churn? See what I mean? But the glass half full argument would be that even no change in net subs beats a decrease.
I think people come back more for the new toys. So I wouldn’t guess that the Pathfinder II had more impact than new raid content and continuation of the story line. That would be heresy. lol
You are making the assumption they quit after Pathfinder 1. I know people who don’t even buy the expansion until flying is in the game.
I am really tempted to do that next time again (delayed my purchased of Legion because of flying for 4 months) because of what the areas were like this time and how in Mechagon we really still don’t have flying given we keep having to touch down every few minutes.
I think the number of people who didn’t play WoW since August 2018 (BfA launch) and prior to patch 8.2 and then resubbed after 8.2 is a very small number.
I think millions will play classic in the first few days and weeks after launch. After that, I think the die-off as measured in time played will be huge, much bigger than a typical xpac. But we shall see.
I think one of the indicators will be the third party gold sellers in classic. lol
Safe guess. Anyway, not enough to make a difference comparatively. Millions of players at BfA launch compared to at most a few thousands of ex-players who resub after 8.2 solely because of Pathfinder?
I think the people that are excited for Classic would like to believe millions are going to be playing, but I just don’t see any basis for that kind of optimism. I don’t think it’ll ever hit two million, and I think once the novelty wears off, the population is going to drop off significantly. My guess (that’s all any of us are really doing after all - guessing) is that the population will level off at a couple hundred thousand.
Remember, classic will be available not only in NA but also the EU and China. That said, I seriously doubt there will be millions of new subscribers. Most will be from retail. But who can tell with China, no clue on how nostalgic they are about vanilla.
There won’t be any “overwhelming success of classic”, however, lets hope they don’t change current to be more like classic. I like my rotation and not having to constantly auto attack or wand. I like being able to heal without sitting to drink every pull or in the middle of a boss fight. I like that there is more than one viable tank. I like not having to spend hours farming resistance gear from dungeons in order to do a raid. I like raids with mechanics and not just a damage sponge.
The history of private servers. This thread. “You think you do but you don’t”. Blizzard having to close down 8 of the 10 stress test servers for the open NA stress test last time. The number of servers blizzard will have at launch, etc. , etc.
Lots of indications people will try it but will also realize they really don’t want to play like that after they remember or realize what it is like.
I dont doubt classic can be popular but look at runescape. Even if classic became more popular (it wont) they will still develop retail. Retail is where the story is right now. Classic is the past, an unfinished WoW where we know its trajectory. Now there are two things they can do, well 3.
Release expansions as they go with classic, fixing bugs where they can.
Create polls where a certain threshold needs to be met before anything else is implemented. Because lets be honest you aren’t gonna see a mass migration from retail to classic simply because too many love the little QOL updates.
Leave it as is.
I’ve always viewed what RS did and soon to be WOW as ways to soft reboot their game. Take the direction not previously taken. What if Mankrik never found his wife, what if you didn’t do XYZ. Where would the game have gone? What if instead of Bolvar Tirion did indeed take the mantel of Lich King? That would require a set of huevos tho.
I’ll be playing Classic until the next Retail expansion comes out.
That said, even if Classic hosts 5 million players for two years…it will have zero impact on how Retail is developed and that’s how it should be. Keep the two games separate.
That classic is a great game. Blizzard devs will throw out blah to bring back to retail but will only work a few less and less will log on to current WoW.
Only the QQ ppl on forums most of the time the most ppl play or quit. I am coordinating as millions other for the name reservations. Which never happened in WoW history. Hmmm but meh it’s whatever.