Yet you say 7 million as an example. Poor choice of words for critical thinking don’t ya think? Look you have your opinions, but don’t be oblivious of what they’ve been displaying for the past 4 years. It has led them to this downfall.
Did I say dead? I’m pretty sure I said…
How your guild is functioning does not dictate the health of the realm.
… sigh…
can’t wait to see people complaining about Classic’s long grinds for materials, or about drop rates of rare (blue) gear…
TBH I’m looking forward to it.
Ok boss. Good convo lol.
That’s exactly what’s going to happen. They’re going to hate that 57- 60 grind.
It’s called a hyperbole. Should probably look it up. It was an example to prove we can say whatever number we want. Doesn’t make it true without any statistical evidence supporting it. Maybe I should’ve said 20 million to make it obvious huh?
Classic will make most players remember that they don’t want to play like that. lol
The only people that will be happy for long will be the ex-private server crowd (and there aren’t that many of them). And you know they will still b*tch about whether classic is really true to vanilla.
For the rest of the playerbase, I think classic will make people appreciate retail more, or at least make them realize the plusses in the current game. Whether that is enough to make a difference (like maintaining or boosting the # of subs), the Q3 numbers should tell.
The earnings report they just released say subs have increased since May and they attribute that in part to classic.
Getting stuck for an hour waiting to kill an scorpion as our second introductory quest… Yeah we will love that crap at retail WoW, I’m not really playing classic tbh
I think the catch up gear is a bit ridiculous in Bfa, but if your no-lifing and not stronger than someone who logs 2 hours a week your doing something really, really wrong.
The only cringe I see is yours,it’s fine to be enthused about classic but taking out QoL changes just to appease a regressive,nostalgic minority would be a majorly boneheaded decision. Why do people get so butthurt when they see someone with a fun item? You do your thing and let them do theirs without worry of people being Dicks over it. Cripes,heaven forbid they cater to the majority rather then a group of basement dwellers.
Which is why your point will be view as forever weak. It’s not convincing me and anyone who left who does not like WoW’s condition hence why developers of WoW doing what they can. No worries your “hyperbole” might come true if they do well next expansion. Until then your defending points isn’t enough to convince people.
I was there in “Classic” when it was current content. This toon carries his Lieutenant Commander title with achievement timestamp as pride and reminder. This old man was my first toon.
That said, I absolutely have no desire to go back in time. Retail is a far, far superior experience than Classic ever was. Classes had more flavor abilities and quests throughout the experience which was cool. But lets be real, only EQ, Runescape, and EQ2 were around to compete against at the time.
I hope Classic is successful and folks enjoy it. I do foresee its community being run by a toxic, elitist, and therefore exclusionary minority very quickly, however. And this will be very bad for the continued health of Classic.
Classic is boring as hell… OMG you have to wait like 15 minutes for a quest… Just awful design…
This,especially given now that streamers are a thing whereas they weren’t a thing back then. Most of them are of the said elitist ilk.
15 minutes ? Hopefully they will have changed things when it goes live but on the stress test servers (outside of the stress test period as well), I had to hang around some areas for 2 hours to finish some quests because the respawn was so slow given the number of people.
How will Classic handle the many, many abandoned zones? The multitude of quests no one can complete solo? The poor respawn rates? If the launch isnt a catastrophe of epic proportions Ill be shocked.
The last test period I got through all of tirisfal glades in…2.5(?) hours by myself. It was only Deathknell that was overly packed since you spread out at Brill.