Classic's Age Distribution is Wild

Zoomers will learn soon enough that growing old is a privilege that not everyone gets to experience


This Boomer rather likes Zoomers. They aren’t inclined to take our word for it just because we said so. They are determined to find their own way. They are rightfully angry that they’ll waste much of their lives following previous generations with a pooper scooper.

Their ability to snark is funny and impressive and, hopefully, they won’t squander all their potential the way the Boomers did with endless internecine culture wars that essentially nullified much of the good we could have brought to the world.

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40 yr olds are milennials.

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my opinion is if you’re like 24 - 33 the proper name for your generation is the emo generation, cause that was a product of our time, that was the largest defining thing

just like you’d refer to people who were around in the 60s as the hippy generation or whatever

then again, not everyone subscribed to those styles but it just seems like the most logical name

I mean, that’s kind of a “kid” thing, not really a generational thing.

I dunno… The Cure, Morrissey, etc. were pretty emo in their time. But I dunno what the cutoff is there as to the definition.

Are 40 years old millennials?

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So, that means the boomers procreated millennials, 'eh?

The younger ones yes.

Okay, so that means Generation X procreated Generation Z, 'eh?

Why do I deserve to hang out with 16 year olds? I would never want that. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Yep. Not this Gen X’er but allow me to apologize for the rest of us.

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Millennials procreated Generation Z!

Yeah I know. My nephews are that age, but I would not want to hang with them. They are off playing Fortnite and stuff like that.

Unless you’re being punished for some heinous crime you shouldn’t be forced to.

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Well, that would explain a lot. I figure my generation would screw up something. Thank God I didn’t procreate anything. No breeding!

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Zoomer here, can confirm, y’all old.

(Not that I really care, but it’s honestly become such a meme that there are a frightening number of people who actually think this way.)

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What are Andy boomers and asmon stans?

Is this some weird twitch lingo I purposefully avoid?

They can’t come up with any good insults because all the Tide Pod munching already fragged their brains.

So they have to repeat the same thing like the dutifully trained chimps they are.