Classic's Age Distribution is Wild

Counter point: yes they are

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If someone watches Asmon over the age of 20 they should consider their life choices

Most of Asmon’s fans are over 20

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Learn your generation labels: Generation X is 43-58, Boomers pick up at 59.


40 year olds are millennials


Counter counter point: 40 year olds are millennials. Boomers are 59+.


Let’s settle it up:

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I think maybe you should consider your life choices if you have to talk smack about strangers.


I was playing magic against a younger guy (20s, not necessarily even a zoomer I guess) and he quipped “okay boomer” so I took the time to explain to him that a baby boomer is my parents generation, not just everyone that’s older than you. He actually tried to argue that “it’s a state of mind not a generation” and I’m like “yeah one you know nothing about because other than your grandpa you don’t know any!”

Words mean things. And then I got old. Really really old. I guess it wouldn’t bug me if it weren’t for the fact that actual baby boomers and their gen x kids tend to be pretty different. But, granted, we’re not like zoomers or millenials either, so we’re just some old freaks to them.


I would’ve rolfstomped his deck and told him to respect his betters.


Im a 40 year old millennial. I don’t think any boomer is 40. Or is me OCD-Ly pointing this out make me boomer-like?



It’s probably best to just disregard anything this particular zoomer has to say.


People use the term in a derogatory way, as if being beyond a certain age is somehow insulting. Me personally, I think people using it to insult makes them just look silly.


Boomers start in 1946 and end in 1963. The youngest Boomers are only 60 years old as we have quite the age span for a single generation.

If it makes you feel better, this Boomer is in his 70s.


Years ago I was in a pre-made “roflstomp” PvP group composed almost entirely of women (maybe a token guy or two rotated in now and then). We were not the only premade but when we played we dominated the large PvP maps (think they call them epic BG’s or something). Anyway, IMO you would be hard-pressed to find a more ruthless group of pvpers.

If you were ever cave or GY camped till you /afked in Alterac Valley or suddenly went from having every single objective in a BG under your control and you were laughing about how dumb the opposition was - then SUDDENLY - you were against the wall and had a crushing surprise loss? That was us. I don’t know why, but we loved nothing better than letting the mouse think it was winning - then we’d toy with it a bit before shredding it.

We’d even do it in mid-skill range rated content… intentionally let the other team think we were clueless then massacre them. Because that was our game, we’d dump rating when we started to come up against carry teams - just so we’d have “alpha boys” we could demoralize. We’d have spies watch to see where the smarmiest streamers were then embarrass them. Will say that Swifty - [Captain John Swifty] in Ashran always took it with a powerful sense of humor and humility - we came to love hunting that fella.

So anyway, one of our best leaders was a woman over 70 - and she was a brilliant wow strategist (also happened to be an original WoW High Warlord under the old ranking system).

Don’t count these older people out LOL - they can be devious and ruthless - and love nothing better than making the younger generations /cry (not me, of course I’m better than that LOL)

By the way, before someone says it, we all realized we did not have superior mouse or keyboard skills. 1v1 we’d be dead in many cases. I started this game at a time when my reflexes were fast - now they’re not - that was the case with many.

Our strength was teamwork; communication and coordination. That was our “unfair” advantage. We trusted each other and worked together very well.


My first girlfriend (if you wanted to strip all the illegal natures out out of it) was a boomer, born in 1962. She never evolved beyond 17 when she had her daughter, so when I was 17 she and I were tight. By my late 20’s I couldn’t understand her. Yes, I was far younger, 14 years in fact. I did not realize it was a crime and as far as I know if she knew she did not care. I’m going to go after this, I think, because she warped my reality in immeasurable ways and deserves to be held accountable.

Her father was CIA and ran guns for Air America. She was a troubled person herself but she deserves to understand how she almost literally ruined my life. All my 20’s were colored by her actions, and nothing happened. 30’s too, I was too afraid to talk to women. Wasn’t until the 40s that I started to get the idea that I could do it, but by then how much time is lost and what must you make up to be right?

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Wow, that’s so very sad that she took advantage of you like that. Are you able to be friends with a woman? Someone who would give you the time and space to work through it without any messy complications.

It is one of the reasons I’d never consider a “younger” woman for a wife as she looses out on too much of finding her own path and I’d get to go through all of those phases of er… leveling up, again.

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Okay zoomer

Let’s not cross thread simps with sycophants

The power of peer pressure is an interesting thing.