
It’s not strictly necessary, it’s really a QoL thing for the most part. One thing to bear in mind, however, is that we already know the realms are going to have many more people on them than the original ones did, especially at launch. Everyone trying to find a group at once is going to make advertisements fly by and much more difficult to notice.

They never said that. The concern was that it sounded like you were trying to say that because it was a possibility, they should all just be banned and they were saying no, something maybe being possible isn’t a good reason to ban it all.

I did specifically say that I understood it’s very possible that you did, in fact, play Classic and that it doesn’t really matter to me either way. My main point was that you were implying someone who definitely played vanilla that they aren’t cut out for it.

Mixed bag. LFD in theory is a decent system, but the cross realm nature of it makes it significantly more problematic than it would be otherwise. It’s also not a good fit for Classic because live has normal and heroic on LFD but mythic and mythic+, the higher difficulties with better rewards, still requires forming a group manually. There aren’t heroic or mythic dungeons in Classic, and having the highest difficulty available able to be queued for and completed with random people isn’t a good idea.

As for LFR, it’s weird. The big problems with LFR, in my opinion, are that they don’t really encourage people to actually go beyond them if they weren’t planning to anyway, and the low level of difficulty. It’s far too easy to get these powerful rewards. One exception I can think of is actually Crucible - people who weren’t willing to learn mechanics just weren’t able to get the bosses down, and that’s important. LFR, if it exists, should be a stepping stone to greater and more challenging content.

And again, you have the problem of having fully random groups of people you’ll never see again. I’d feel a lot better about it if it could team you up with people to meet so that you might be able to group up with them to go for normal and heroic.

All in all, the idea behind both systems isn’t inherently terrible. Allowing more people to access content and get their feet wet is a good thing if it builds confidence and encourages you to learn how to play well and approach the content. Their implementation was more problematic, as people can just queue for LFR entirely, be carried by a few, get decent rewards and never desire going beyond it.

That being said, neither of them have a place in Classic.

Yea but I mean, as you said, at launch there is going to be loads of people online. Sure maybe your ad ‘‘compared to the overall chat and ads’’ won’t have as much exposure when there is a lot of people but, the point is not to have an ad or spam the chat but to actually get a group… More people = more groups and easier created groups… Implying an addon helps creating a good group/filter’s chat because of the full status of a server simply ignores and overshadows the real reason why it’s easier to get groups… there’s just more people.
Interacting with people, taking the time to type in a word or two, send an invite and so on creates a group just as well if not better for a more immersive or cohesive atmosphere.

I don’t know if you heard the quote ‘‘you think you do, but you don’t’’ , the very next sentence Blizzard said was quoting quality of life changes and precisely mentionned the LFG feature. This addon is basically replicating the current system and culture of being able to create groups, do dungeons and not need to interact with people. Sure, you can still interact, just like you could right now in BFA…

I just looked at it, right now you could literally use it to create a group, go AFK and then end up with a full group when you get back on your computer. That is definitively not like it used to be and for some players feel that it would simply set that new standard or feature a main component of the experience.

Blizzard said themselves, they are suspicious and skeptical about the add-ons reproducing some of the functionality they’ve deliberately removed from the game that could be harmful to the authentic experience. They specifically precised addons such as ones that would create social networks within the game which is exactly what this ‘‘hidden LFG’’ addon is. Before you say, they didn’t remove it, it was already there, then I’ll simply answer, I don’t see a LFG page and service just like in BFA so, they did have to remove it…

Also, on a different note, I’ve never really cared that much about spam on servers and chats but, if at least it was done by the players, it held some sort of value and human interaction to it. If we start automating commands to talk for us, we lose a little more of that social aspect. Just like some bots would spam gold advertisements or any other bot-spam-related function, if they could be stopped you can be sure I’d be happy about it. I understand it can’t be done, however, I don’t particularly fancy the argument that, since it can’t be stop, we let it slip or promote some automated interaction commands in a MMO.

So, all the arguments in favor to me look like

-Chat-filtering (aka encourages less chat usage, also may imply chat spamming at the end, only done with a bot)
-Automated invites (which to me isn’t particularly much better since less interaction again, the act of accepting or declining someone is a social interaction)
-Quality of life change (which can be both argued a good and a bad thing)

The other cons are

-Automated playing
-’‘Replicates an already existing feature of vanilla and classic’’ most people didn’t know existed and was completly unused (unneeded)
-Just a cultural change to the community and the atmosphere around classic.

Now, if I get instantly invited, I won’t know if it’s because that random guy used an addon or if it’s because they really wanted me in the group and that for me, is a major difference. If it’s there, ‘‘It’ll become part of the fabric’’ so the statement just don’t use it won’t be sufficient.

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There aren’t. I think a lot of the confusion is coming from that video from earlier where the guy lists a group and has a party fill up on his own. I think he was being intentionally misleading, because at most all it was was an auto-invite that would just take whoever signed up first and would not even make an attempt at making a viable group (e.g., tank, healer, DPS all around a certain level).
He had those people download the addon and be on those characters ahead of time so that he could have them sign up and intentionally created a functional group like that. But the addon author has made it very clear that there is no matchmaking, it cannot build a group.

And then after that, when the issue was brought up to the author, he agreed that even without matchmaking, it’s too similar to LFR/LFD and removed it so that you cannot auto-invite.

The addons real purpose is to scan chat, find people advertising a group and display it in a separate window where it won’t get spammed out. If someone wants to apply to your group, they MUST supply a message that is directly whispered to the group leader.

It’s really just about displaying the information in a more readable format and giving more groups a shot at being seen. If it were to have automatic group formation, I would absolutely be on the “nope, no place in Classic” side of things.

The best way I can think to describe it is like this:

It’s not all that different from Recount or Details. Those addons parse your combat look, list players in a window and display their damage information. It doesn’t tell you how to improve, it doesn’t offer any suggestions, it just displays what information was provided.

ClassicLFG scans chat channels, puts people’s names down and lists the group they’re currently advertising for. It cannot tell you who to invite, it does not suggest players, it does not sort by things like item level.

I don’t want a queue system in the game. I don’t want the LFD/LFR that we have in current WoW, and I would not defend this if I thought it was anything like that. I want the social experience, too, and based on everything we can actually see that addon does, every indication is that it will enhance the social experience, it will not even attempt to replace it.

I hope that makes sense. There’s so much wrong and misinformation going around and I think a large part of that was intentional on the part of a few people who disliked it. An important note about the addon is that the author specifically notes that he’s made it as easy as possible for anyone who does not want to use it to be able to still join the groups of those who do, without having to do anything they wouldn’t ordinarily do.

Whether it is automatic or not, it has no place on Classic. Iion said that any addon breaking the authenticity of Vanilla would be removed. This is removing authenticity of Vanilla.

Except that today on the Classicast live stream the devs said that displaying information in a more accessible format is literally the reason addons exist at all. What they don’t want is automation, which none of us do.

Addons and mechanics like this existed in vanilla. I understand not liking it, but we either get to make changes or we don’t, and the community was very clear about “#nochanges.”

I can’t keep having the same discussions over and over again. The fact is that the addon only displays information. You still need to whisper, you still need to decide who you should invite, you still have to work together to get through the dungeon. And you’re still much better off building friendships so you can play with people you know in the future.

A LFG addon is a bot, and they specifically said bot type addons are not going to be allowed. So yes no LFG. And if you can’t see how its not a bot, then you really need to look up what a robot is.
If you have an addon spamming in chat, even though your not farming anything, the spamming piece is done robotic-ally, which it turn makes it a bot and BOT’s are not tolerated.

Yeah, just because someone on retail can autoinvite, doesn’t mean the addon will be that way in practice. It’s an awful idea to automate groups, you could be stuck without CC, interrupts or healer etc.

The point is this isn’t cross realm, you are playing with people on your server so the social interaction actually matters, and you aren’t teleported to a dungeon like dungeon finder, you actually have to travel which is identical to the original WoW Vanilla experience.

There are literally no downsides to my opinion, other than some slippery slope argument.

The authenticity of Vanilla has whisper invites and parameter based invites (guild wide, guild rank, zone, class, etc)

That’s not what botting is. Stop.

Anything that creates output to mimic human activity is a BOT. so there is that.

No. Not at all. Else every add-on that interacts with the rest of the game in a way that other players can see would be called “botting” and it isn’t.

it is…
lets look at it… My name is bobthemage, i create a LFG that spams chat every 60 seconds…
Bobthemage: Needs 2 more for DM.
60 seconds later
Bobthemage: Needs 2 more for DM

The community things bob is typing this in, but he is not, he is off at the refrig getting a coke and a cupcake.

So if its doing something for a human that mimics the human…


I can also make a macro with a timer using only in-game Vanilla era macro commands that puts out the exact same message at whatever interval I choose, and I can even have that macro activate another macro to keep the loop going.

Without. One. Add-on.

and you would have been reported and banned… that sir was a banable offence and folks were banned for it.

there were alot of things Vanilla code allowed but were against TOS, Current devolopers have already touched upon that. Especially botting, which the new code will be much easier to find and quickly ban.

No. No they were not. That’s how raid leaders did automated countdowns without add-ons. I could spam it for hours and that’d be bannable because of the spam, not because of the automation.

Yeah like Decursive and Fury. Chat macros with timers aren’t either of these by a long shot.

And you were spamming in “Raid/Group” chat big differnce then spamming in a public chat.

Again, as i said, it was harder for vanilla wow to stop that due to code restrictions, its not something they supported or wanted in game play. Exactly as the Dev’s currently have said they are against, hence why Healbot wont work now either.

So yeah… leave it alone, your not getting your stupid LFG addon. If you don’t want to put in the effort to get your group then don’t GROUP actually why not just leave and stay on retail where you can be happily non social as much as you want.

Semantics. Your rage about “bots” is irrelevant to what channel gets automated postings.

They broke Decursive and Fury during Vanilla. Healbot was broken too and changed to just a mouse-over macro UI and continues today. What are you on about?

I mean… I already have ClassicLFG addon installed and I’ll update it as I need, along with a few others to make group management easier and more streamlined. /shrug

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and you will be banned… have fun playing pokemon island.

Good luck banning me for interacting with people in chat. Anti-addon people are the silliest trolls…

ah, another 18 year old living in moms basement comment…

I wont be banning you, Blizzard will, I wont be reporting you, your server mates will. So yeah good luck in pokemon

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