
How? Did I destroy my guild by putting up “Tank LFM Scholo” in the LFG channel and then taking the first 4 people that filled DPS and Healer? No? Then neither will this add-on.

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Yes one is community based on ease and the convenience and one is based on debuffing. You aren’t comparing the concepts to each other, you are special pleading.

Using your argument Decusive DESTROYED micro management needed for curses.

Many addons DESTROYED X or Y concept, and yet you find these okay. You deciding that Buff Management is less important to Vanilla is just as ridiculous as someone finding Community not important to Vanilla.

You have no grounds for your argument my guy. You just dislike it.

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Oh boy another unheard of addon that there is little to no information about because it was useless and unpopular.

Do you not know what’s at stake if ClassicLFG becomes popular?

They require no real communication and developing relationships with other players? You get into guilds, make new friends, become known to others on the realm based on talking things through and going into dungeons and what goals are set. There should be a lot of discussion while in a dungeon group.

LFG type of stuff kills that need.

People run dungeons and make friends? Some crappy stakes to be had indeed!

It let you group queue into BGs you otherwise wouldn’t be able to do so… then they changed that so the add-on became superfluous to default WoW.

Streamlined realm only PUG play? Would hate for THAT to happen…

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Eh Classic not being classic. Its much more fun to just type out LFM LBRS stealth run than making it listed somewhere. That way you communicate more with people.

give me a break

people are flocking back to classic because they want to be a part of a community again

that addon is a threat to the sole reason its arrival is here

retail is just a hollowed out mass that feels lifeless to so many people

argue semantics all you want i dont care because you are wrong

You hide behind the interface. That’s the difference.

It’s the difference between using a self checkout at Walmart vs using a cashier.

One’s the anti-social solution.

One’s a slighty social solution that has potential to become a social experience.
You might not look at the cashier. You might not talk to them.
But maybe you guys end up actually having a really interesting conversation and laugh for a bit.

Are you going to have any chance of having a conversation or laughing with the self checkout computer?

Only if the instance is face-roll easy, the people aren’t from your realm, and there are zero consequences to booting/replacing/dropping players. This does none of those things.

Cross realm did all of what you mentioned.

Depends if Ive been drinking or not

Why on earth would this change that? I never had long, impactfull discussions when making my groups. It was always with people that were already in my groups.

Making the group usually looked like:

“LF3M BRD Need heals and 2 dps”
rogue whispers “I’ll go”
shift click to make sure rogue is the appropriate level, if so invite

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lol, no proof it doesn’t.

Actually, there is proof that it does, because this type of thing in is retail and everyone likely agrees that the sense of community is way worse than in vanilla.


Hilariously stupid analogy aside… the conversation happens once people get into the group and first introduce themselves. I still have to put up a boilerplate “LF1M DPS for Scholo” to get someone to whisper me. If you want to go through a longer “interview” before inviting them, by all means, but I typically save that for after they get in which the add-on facilitates.

There no faceless interface, I still have to communicate with them, find out if they’re up to snuff (if I’m doing something hard), make sure none of them are community black sheep, and then actually get our butts to the instance. The 15min flight path alone gives me ample time to chat them up… the add-on stops NONE of this.

Classic will not be cross realm, so proof is needed.

Proof is needed is won’t ruin community.

I can play that silly game too!

Absence of evidence… yadda yadda

Just because a handful of vocal forum folks think any LFG functions KILLED WOW FOREVER hardly makes it true.

It will run the community the same way me typing LF1M tank DM

You not knowing about it doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.

Call to Arms functioned very similarly and was around for at least the last 6 months.

Meeting Stones didn’t always summon people, they started that in 2.0.1. Originally they functioned as, get this, group finders! You went to the stone and listed yourself as looking for group/looking for more. Not only that, but they actually automatically formed groups of people who listed.

And in 1.5, innkeepers were able to let you queue without having to go to even a meeting stone.

Why do you guys keep ignoring this? All of the functionality that you claim will ruin the vanilla experience existed back then. If there are other arguments against it, go ahead and post them so we can have a real discussion, but repeatedly stating the same false information doesn’t make your stance more valid.

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