Yeah I’m not a big fan of those features, but the UI and chat parsing looked to be a great addition to the game that would really help people group up and play together IMO.
The auto invite was for large scale PvP like in hillsbrad where you can mass invite on a key word, I honestly don’t believe the feature was intended for dungeons, we already saw how bad auto inviting was with meeting stones in Vanilla.
I plan to play my Classic Main with a group of RL friends, but what about when I’m on at odd hours on an alt and no one on my friends list is on? I could spam LFG in chat but why not just add people to friends from people I group with through the addon?
I used the addon to give me a list of people just like /who would do. Based on that I would ask them if they had time, what their experience was, what role they played etc.
Who exactly is that skipping friends part or automation? Did you even try the addon or are you basing your opinion on a 30 second streamer clip on a retail server?
Ah… yeah, you’re right, I hadn’t considered that. Yeah, not sure how that will be resolved then honestly.
Ugh… I didn’t know they nerfed focus and unitcastinginfo. That’s kind of a bummer to find out…
Yeah, again, I don’t see how this is going to get altered in a way that is going to make the anti-LFG crowd happy, that doesn’t also break a whole lot of other types of addons that were absolutely used by a large group of people back in vanilla.
mhmmm and that is the thing everyone faced back then, step out of your compfort zone, and talk to people, everyone needed friends back then, couse some quests, even the world ones needed friends…
you guys are so domesticated you forgot to speak to each other, and have to have everything automated for you…
I do, but when I’m pvping in the open world I’d rather not be required to spam chats looking for dungeons I want to do. I’d rather be in the open world playing the game and decide to start or join groups through a UI which gives me a list of players to whisper.
Take any elite quest in classic, there is alot of group quests, to do them everyone needed friends, you dident automate the process to get these friends, you looked around for people, and talked to them… and some you added simply couse you liked them, and they were helpfull, people you later called on or they on you…
back then we dident automate the process with a LFG tool
well said. autoinvite in alterac valley was a real issue when players had to form their own raids.
here’s the true rub of the change. the nature of finding a group requires some form of communication. classic players rosy lensing it say that communication happened in guild chat or private tells. retail players have that chat happening in an addon channel not spamming them directly.
after a while a lot of guilds past a certain size arent going to like seeing lfg spam in guild chat so they disable guild chat (for a while). same for global channels. the beauty of an addon solving this problem is there are addon only specific channels players never have to interact with. they never have to disable guild chat due to LFG spam.
i think a lot of the playerbase having nostalgia forget the populations and numbers of realms the vanilla launch had. classic has effectively 10+ realms combined. it’s going to be a spamfest. people are going to cry for addons to combat it. at peak most realms were what? 1200 people on both factions combined spread across all continents and zones? a good TM/SS battle might bring out 30-300?
now look at the classic numbers and you have over 20k just in the login queue for full realms? it’s gonna be chaos
The fun thing is they are CELEBRATING having "Less communication with the other players lol.
Wait until WoW-Classic leech the life like that did on 2004 of a lot of “unconsious players”. People abandon jobs, school, family, friends and social interations to spend 4 hours “shouting on trade channel for a group”
Wait until they see is not the same play wow at 18 with zero responsabilities than play wow at 33 with full time job + family. They will miss the party finder-Groupnd finder- Raid finder
Wait until they are forced to play 3 times at night “Raids” like a part time job in order of get a job after 1 year of grind
This is exactly what the people “think” is FUN and FANTASTIC. Lets give them 3 months before they are MEGA-BURNED
You didn’t even make it to launch before giving in to the screeching masses.
“we intend to be very careful about allowing add-on functionality that might undermine aspects of the social dynamics that are core to the Classic experience”
LFG addons that parsed chat existed in vanilla, auto-invite addons existed in vanilla.
Of course player behavior will be different 15 years later.
Your sad attempt to police player behavior by CHANGING what what you prohibit won’t make players sit around in Ironforge like only the dumbest players did even in 2005.
All it does is demonstrate how shallow your commitments are.
I’m sad that I can even post this reply.
That I took fell for it again and trusted you enough to resub.
or you talk to people and social network as you quest through the world… some of you have grown so domesticated and pampered by the tools give to you by retail, you cant even comunicate with people without tools…
Once again how is this addon automation with how I used it?
How I used it was exactly like the searching manually through /who
I still did all those things you are talking about. The addon merely gave me a list of players that were interested in the same content. I still whispered them, asked them if they were available etc.
I honestly believe you are confused on what exactly I’m talking about…
that question you got to ask blizzard for, i given you the reason why i wanted it gone… ill give it again, i dont think it is part of the classic experience, it was even singled out at blizzcon as one of those things blizzard themself dont wanted added…
my question to you, why cant you just talk to people as you level up, and create a social friends lists, why do you need a tool for it ?
You sound as if every group we join. We are EXTREMELY SOCIAL that is not true lol
99.9% of the time you get auto invited to a quest-group nobody “talks” a single word finish the 1/10 porks and leave the group without even say “Hi”, “Thanks” “bye”
Dungeons same thing you look for the people. Everyone is SEMI-AFK on the city waiting until the leader can find the members. You start the dungeon and nobody say ANYTHING until dungeon is over. Probably some “Be careful with the pulls” “ready to the battle” etc
The social aspect start on END-GAME. In this point People “DEMAND YOU” to join to their DISCORD-SERVERS, “DEMAND YOU” to join voice chat and “DEMAND YOU” certain jobs + hours per week. Here is when the social interation start.
Because wow-classic is a lot more EASY than RETAIL-WOW raiding you can talk more, be more social etc. On retail if you miss a SINGLE STEP on the RAID you wipe the entire ally. So i dont “eat the idea” Oh wow-classic is more social.
FFXI LV75 era was a lot more social than wow. On that game you was forced to create EXP-PARTY every time you want lv up. You needed massive social skills to be able convince people help you with khazam keys, limit break quest, job testimony and craft your gear