Yes. Thank you, Blizzard.
i’m pretty sure blizzard are going to walk this back. the way to break the addon involves removing channel targets for sendchatmessage, unlikely; remove the addon channel functionality, also unlikely because it breaks all sync primitives; remove the access to just player talents (inspect), likely candidate; remove hooking incoming chat messages, nigh impossible;
blizzard made a decision to break something that was fundamental to classic that most of the playerbase swears wasn’t there despite evidence to the contrary. total mandela effect kneejerk.
here’s the real problem. in phase two when the layering door supposedly drops and you have 5000 people in one zone (based on half the login queue depth divulged) in orgrimmar all spamming LFG and the screen scrolls like people spamming “INVITE TO ASMON LAYER” people are going to BEG for an addon for LFG just to reduce the chat server load so they can actually play the game.
chat is layered at release so it’s not too horrible. people will be leveling and global server channels will be less stressed. local barrens chat? going to be a scrollfest.
this is the main reason so few launch realms is going to fall over
This decision is literally the worst and I demand justice
Good job Blizzard. You are really the best. Very good job with Classic.
actually as somebody who played in vanilla and wrote addons for it I believe you mean that classic isn’t for -you-. i actually want classic to be like vanilla was.
Thank you Blizzard for keeping to the classic experience !
Yea it’s really not for me. I like the add-ons we have now and the qol changes
Your bags are full. Your bags are full. Your bags are full. Your bags are full. Your bags are full.
the volume of mandela effect in this thread is amazing. people who honestly believe classic wow didn’t have group addons because they never used them. truly amazing
Is it? I didn’t test it myself, but i’ve seen people say it goes across all layers. That’s how you get the gif/video of people spamming to invites to asmongolds layer.
On a related note, is LFG chat global? It should be since it was made so in 1.11 but I didn’t check that either.
A niche addon is totally not representative of the whole Classic experience.
While I do understand and respect the need for certain tools to assist those who are disabled or limited in some fashion, I fail to see how the lack of a LFG tool would effect them, unless you’re saying keyboard tourettes is a disability now ?
Any genuinely disabled person who is able to function in the game has the ability to type and communicate.
depends on when in the beta/stress test you reference. it was en/disabled at varying points. a large part of why you saw people spamming invites is because they were talking to their layer in a local (general) channel and nobody from the layer they wanted to get into responded (never saw it) so they just kept on spamming like idiots. you had to ask in a global (trade/lfg) channel to actually get the invite.
the same issue happened in the last stress test where people were stuck in an undercity with no npcs spawned. had to ask in /2 (global) to get invited out of it.
when it really gets interesting is when people are having entire conversations in a local channel then get layered and dont realize it and the people in the new chat have no idea what they’re talking about because the layer shifted underneath them.
the system isn’t transparent enough in general.
No one will force you to download this addon, you won’t even know people are using it! Im sure chat will still have enough spam.
A song for my favorite forum poster
Sounds like that’a going to be fun.
Have they confirmed if chat will be all layers when it goes live or not?
All the blue statement means at this point is that the addon to addon communication aspect might be nuked. That doesn’t mean the entire addon is going to be nuked. It could simply function with LFG chat parsing and posting and perform the same exact function we wanted it to in the first place.
Chat parsing and posting is not “an interconnected social network that relies on other players also using that same add-on.” The only part of the addon that functions in the way he described is the addon to addon communication aspect. If the author simply shifts to only parsing and posting to LFG chat, it would simply be “presenting information or providing aesthetic customization.”
Enjoy the future refactored still functioning LFG addons that will exist in classic.
only insofar as the game supports their ability to overcome those issues. case in point, the addon ‘prat’ and derivatives that allow selecting urls from in game and pulling them out. modern players can use discord, twitter or other tools. the options in vanilla were far more limited in the stock ui and a lot of addons were created that solved these problems.
True, i won’t download this because it won’t work.
And the “don’t like it, don’t use it” is clearly not the answer. Anyway use your external LFG as much as you want but don’t bring them into the game.
I think we’ll see them force invites to require a button press as well. Can you see talents with inspect in Classic? I seem to recall that not being a thing back in 2004/2005, but again, I could be wrong. I feel like they probably aren’t able to inspect a player from across a zone though, let alone in a different zone or half the world away. Wouldn’t you expect that this functionality is actually being enabled by both sides of the transaction having the addon installed and actually grabbing and communicating this information that way?
Either way, I don’t care if they break inspection really. As long as addons still have access to the talents of the client they are installed on anyway. I like my build planner addons. lol