ClassicLFG addon

Yeah, the more I think about this, the more I am starting to believe that this isn’t going to end up getting broken in a way that is going to sufficiently make the current anti-LFG crowd happy. Odds are they are going to make calls to the invite functionality protected, so they will require an actual button press or mouse click in order to activate. They may also bust inter-app communication to some degree, but that just means addons go back to spamming messages in chat channels like the old days.

If this is all that happens, I would be prepared for more upset people in the forums… I can’t see them taking away the ability for scrapping and parsing chat channels away from the API.

Edit: And just to clarify I don’t have any skin in this game past what the changes to the API are. I didn’t plan on using the addon, so it doesn’t matter to me either way if it gets busted.



Well done.


scrubs would be the only ones needing and begging for LFG addon
in classic because it makes it easy for them just like in retail. This isnt meant to be easy.


one issue that came up is fewer realms. more competition for plain ascii7 character names. that means more use of special characters. most people ignore people with those in their name unless they have an addon to correctly encode the name for them via right click or whatever. it’s even worse if you play with a non english language like europe where umlauts etc are the norm if you dont have that codeset on your keyboard.

also a lot of people who cant type for anything or are disabled in some manner do play this game. the addon had merit even if everybody hates on it



But as I said above, this could be very bad for RP addons.

So while the anti-ClassicLFG people are dancing, I don’t think they have a complete victory.

Now, if chat parsing is removed, it’ll break far more addons, and at what expense?


Please ban all addons Blizzard. We, the Classic community, have spoken! We came for ClassicLFG and we’re coming for the rest! We want vanilla in its purest form!



This addon doesn’t change the content to make anything easy.

And no offense based on your achievements and parses it’s clear to me you may see many in game activities as far more difficult than the normal person…

Do you have a link? I don’t understand why they would even implement that.

Yea that’s one of those qol changes that happened… but that’s not the intent of this release.

Could be Classic wow isn’t for you, until they allow this add-on in

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That’s exactly what will happen. I am an original vanilla vet but I’m also not stupid. People will find the most convenient method for grouping now like we did then. I’m afraid Classic is being fronted by a bunch of strange people, right now.

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that’s freakin hilarious lmao

My irony cup doth runneth over…


you are entitled to your wrong opinion but at the end of the day its just that, An opinion.


The irony of the Level 120, telling the level 60 this… #noChangesExceptThisAPIChange

This speaks volumes. Not everyone is a min/maxer, especially when its a routine dungeon in a PuG. This sort of attitude belongs in a guild, not in the community.

No one has said that, but in a way it will be, because those who routinely act in a negative way to other players won’t have an easy escape from their poor realm reputation.

The only ones objecting loudly to this LFG quashing seem to be running scarred for what reason exactly ? …If the mod was so innocuous and didn’t provide a functionality beyond what you can do without using it, why get upset at its banning / nerfing. ?

These are the things that “drive me crazy” as you put it. You lot keep saying “but it doesn’t do anything special” while refusing to say why you need it so desperately.

some one please help me hold this salt it’s just every where.


Amazing news.

Thank you, Classic team!


Back to complaining about skeletons, I guess.


Spooky Scary Skeletons?

Spooky Scary LFG Chat