ClassicLFG addon

yes, but we want to strive to be as close as we can. With your statement you just give up. “Oh well, the future is here, lets just give up.” sorry not that guy

Didn’t you say earlier that all this did was allow you to not read chat?

It’s interesting how hard it was downplayed when it was in question and now that it’s going to be removed, it’s suddenly very very important…


People wanted it for different reasons, that’s all I’m saying, spamming /4 probably isn’t high on anyones list.

And lol at pservers… you’re the guys who were saying “classic is too easy! mobs in dungeons are hitting for 140 and it should be 160!” when Nost had tuned everything up on purpose.

Yeah I’m just grouping with my friends now probably, I imagine this decision has seriously reduced many great experiences.

Oh well, still looking forward to playing!

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Oh god, manno, illidan, blackrock, they had it rough even in Vanilla lol. I was on Stormscale and Chromaggus and those servers had fantastic communities. It really depends on where you played how good your server community was and that did affect your Vanilla experience.

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The thing is , there was no overall general mentality, it was not some social utopia where everyone talked to everyone and there was never any silence.

Both happened enough to be the ‘norm’ though.

I act the same way in Retail as I have since I started, the problem isn’t the game version bias, it’s the people, and that’s why you are going to see more negativity than you want to remember.

i hope so. break all addons, please

I mean, I had a great time during vanilla, with my guild, the server itself was ick

To be honest, I was wrong. I’m hoping the addon survives without that auto-invite feature. After research it was just going to be used for large scale PVP and wasn’t intended to be used to find dungeon/raid groups.

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all I have to say is ty

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Did you just find that out in the last 45 seconds because your previous post stated otherwise…

So you don’t want vanilla, or wow, you want some bastardization only because its the way you want it?

I can agree with breaking parts of this addon, but addons in general are a huge part of what makes WoW, WoW

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Um no, I am not ‘giving up’, I just will not believe in a fantasy that will not happen, we can try all we want, but it will never be the same as it was, way too much has changed in people and the world.

Just be prepared to be ok if it is not the same and just enjoy the best it tries to be like it was.


10 char

Are you trying to start a war!!!

LFG VC, inv?

Oh I thought you were referring to my posts yesterday.

In this thread I figured it was already implied, I merely shared my opinion on what I would have done and what I believe was going to happen.

I really didn’t see the auto-invite feature being used in vanilla dungeons/raids. It would create crappy, unsuccessful groups. But I recognize that I am probably not thinking of how other’s would use it, so that’s why I’m not going to argue against that part breaking.

However I will defend the UI/sorting portion of the addon, I truly believe that aspect would help the game without a doubt.

Hope that makes sense!

Oh. Awesome, thanks for the informative post mate! <3

Yep, I knew the Classic API was branched off of the retail API, so obviously it is going to be far closer to the retail API than the 2004 original API. I could just tell almost immediately from comparing the two that there were absolutely differences. It makes sense though because there are things in retail that don’t exist in Classic (LFG… lolz) and things that exist in Classic that don’t exist in Retail (real talent trees… XD).

Not sure if you saw, or knew the answer to my earlier question in regards to the API Framework that was developed way back. I know it was linked to on the wowwiki back in the day, but I can’t seem to find it now. If not, no worries!

I think this depended on your server to be honest. Stormscale and Chromaggus were fantastic and on those servers it was the general mentality. And yeah there was silence at times, but the level of rudeness that exists today was drastically lower then. Again this is from the two servers I played on. Your mileage might have varied.

I don’t doubt I’ll see more negativity, but as I’ve stated it was never on the servers I played on the level it has reached in retail. Not even close.

well it isn’t null and void because blizzard has stated this multiple times. there’s a reason Tseric was driven from the forum. if you ever get them to produce actual numbers your thread used to go on the EJ hall of fame. ironically the source i would have used to answer you more definitively would have been EJ and even that’s gone :frowning: as well as the original wow forums.

to date we still dont know basic metrics like how many accounts actually played, realm populations and population thresholds although most have been inferred from using the pvp rankings archive I have and various census sites. had I the extended dataset with original armory of gear (didnt exist, would have to xref) I could provide actual numbers of people wearing raid gear but that data is long gone. all i have is a subset of the pvp ladders near the end of classic.

the number of people attempting/clearing MC/ZG/AQ20 was vast whether it was just pugs or partial (abandoned/incomplete) runs. few downed ragnaros because of the gear requirement.

let’s crawl the wayback archive. R&D appears Feb2005 and even then it was questioned:
'Dispelling the Myth: How Many Really Raid?' by Gravek

so much like the meaning of life we’ll never know and they wondered even then :wink:

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Its cool, we both have different visions. I respect you and yours. Please allow me mine.

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