ClassicLFG addon

Nice Job! Thank you for listening! We appreciate it!


if addons cannot communicate that breaks 100s of other addons and would be a horrible idea, so therefore probably what they did.


Just dont go overboard with it. Let TRP and other RP-addons that worked stay working. The RP servers are just more fun with profiles and other shareable stats and data. It just kind of breaks the RPer immersion to need to do stuff we didn’t have to do in actual Vanilla. Especially since an LFG addon did actually exist in 2005.

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It means, as I see it, the chat parser and relay will work but grouping will be strictly manual.
Maybe the functions required for grouping will be made protected

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threat meters are dead as far as I know. They broke that.

No, they just have to function like they did in classic, but they require addon communication to do that


Where are they at, where are the ones that were in denial.

Get REKT baby. :laughing:

He’s definitely the type of players that we vanilla gang don’t want playing. Yet what he is sarcastically calling for, is exactly what I would want and I know for sure that I’m not in the minority.

no, I just think you where so adamant bout it in game you could not play here. So bye.

Clearly it does matter

Everything is viable except very few extreme cases (say, a 40 man raid of fire mages in MC). Did you mean optimal?

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If you think you are in the majority, you are very mistaken

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Except it is very much not beyond what was in vanilla…

the automation in this addon boils down to a whisper me the keyword for invite to raid… that pretty much every guild used because manually sending out 39 invites is dumb.

Clearly Blizzard is kneejerking to a few vocal people and it could have immeasurable consequences if they did it wrong.


look at Juliar, she lost and now shes lying that it was all about watching the drama and not creating it herself. admit defeat Juliar. GG


They’ll take the time to study each addon and come to a conclusion, if they follow the same investigation method they used with LFG.

Their claims about what the addon does aren’t accurate. If they got it wrong here (which they at least don’t know what the addon actually does) then how is this a positive assertion?

if the target of a sendchatmessage is no longer able to send to a private channel that would in fact kill this addon interacting with player channels which means only other people using this addon would see one another.

if they remove addon pub/sub channels for communication that basically kills all group synchronization in the game period. that’s a MASSIVE change to the entire spirit of the game


So many whiny children in this thread.

Just quit now, we don’t want you in classic.

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well they haven’t broke it yet

so the addon author might change it to do less.

It’s the majority. Keep pretending to be the victim here though.