Get. That. Garbage. Out of here!
I can concede that they may have only heard about it because of influencers. There are lots of addons and Blizz can’t check each one individually. However, I also accept that Blizz did their own investigation and came to this conclusion. It wasn’t a knee jerk reaction from Blizz. They could’ve posted this days ago to say that the addon wouldn’t have been allowed, but instead they took their time to look into it. Perhaps if they had known about it 2 months ago, they would’ve made this post two months ago as well.
We already did, you just chose to ignore the evidence provided. To reiterate - go look at Refail, and the damage it did to the community when LFD first came out, then when cross-realming came out.
You continually ignoring the reasons put forward doesn’t = no proof of damage. Also why should it be allowed in to damage the community aspect in the first place, as once the damage is done, it’s can’t be undone readily.
reality and history disagrees with you. some of the largest addons (packs) were cosmos and titan and both had lfg elements. next you’re going to tell us coordinate fixing in zone maps is against the spirit of finding mankrik’s wife.
the only difference in what vanilla vs classic api could do for coordination is the chat channel was a globally reachable channel in vanilla. in classic addons have their own communication pub/sub channels separate from player channels. that’s it folks. breaking that breaks almost every coordination addon whether for recount/damagemeters/details or others
Fixed that quote
Thank you to the Devs, well played.
I never said you could, but you could lead an effort.
Opinions are like…uh, yeah. That saying applies here.
I don’t understand the arguing. I mean, if someone is confused they can reread the post and it states RIGHT THERE why the addon is an issue, which reflects what Ion said.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a number of other addons do get broken now.
Then he failed to do his job…
cause he described what this addon does as being perfectly fine in the post where he said they are gonna break it for doing things it did not do.
Didnt plan on using this so no biggie to me. Good to see Blizzard carefully examining everything about Classic.
3rd party as in not native to the game. It can still do worse to the chat spam I mean meaningful social interactions than that addon can.
Bnet can remove the spam I mean meaningful social interactions right out of the game.
So we’re getting the old raid frames back right? Everyone hated them, but we have to be true to Vanilla right?
A “vocal” portion of the classic player base does not want this.
I never planned to use it. Server discord will serve all my LFG needs. It just seems like it’s an easy target to whine about, when something like server discords serve the same purpose and no one is batting an eyelid.
You didn’t answer the question. Addons existed during Vanilla. Data managment, UI, quest helpers, chat logs, etc etc. I asked you how isn’t this addon adding functionality that wasn’t already there in Vanilla.
No of course not. I don’t want flying in the live game either lol.
I just want a dedicated area for group forming.
Now I’ll have to go to Discords for it instead of stay in game.
Nothing really changes for me in the long run.
Also what happened to #nochanges These addons are Vanilla like (there was at least 2 of them).
Oh but the #nochanges crowed are hypocrites now aren’t they.
In all honesty, if you want add ons and all that jazz, just go level in retail. 1-60, with add ons.
Very good news … I hope this mafia addon is next on the chopping block …
I feel like people don’t know about world chat. All you do is on the day you first login type /join world . Now you can talk to the whole world for your faction.
The private server boys know. There’s going to be tons of groups just by spamming in chat. You will make friends.
Death to the Alliance!