Well whatever happens here, people should be REALLY worried about an addon like Weak Auras. This is the king of all issues if you ask me.
The addon basically is unlimited and allows you to write your own addon in game.
The fact that we are worried about group making addons instead of addons with that much power is confusing to me.
Thank you so much Bornakk!! I don’t mind people having convenient addons but a LFG system would ruin a huge social aspect of the game.
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Lol streamers are screwing up the classic experience on every server now instead of just their own.
Azmodolt just trashed on a kid’s well put togeather project because he was salty.
you should not take this personally. It is just business. The classic player base does not want this.
Where can I checkout my torch and pitchfork?
Classic team is the best team at Blizz. Love you guys.
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you want flying, wow tokens and pet battles too, im sure.
Thank you. A fair portion of the community (including myself) are thrilled that this addon will not be useable in Classic.
Going forward, please ensure that addons that directly affect the LFG process in any way are not implemented. These do not belong in the game.
Can’t wait to see you all in about 2 days!
Ah yes, I too can’t wait for roleplay addons to be completely broken. After all typing “LF2M WC” is so much more COmmUniTy than actual communities.
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Many I know do! No reason to remove choice, but I will wait to see what happens with the addon before worrying much more.
I believe Suu is asleep as he is from Germany, so I’ll know more in the morning.
Yet in the meantime there is an OCE Classic Wow Discord with over 6000 members that will have a massive LFG channel. Sure, you might have to ALT Tab, but it’s going to serve the same purpose.
While you shouldn’t be getting them I can see why some would be when you keep acting like your opinion is a fact and blaming content creators for literally everything when the majority of the community was against this without having anyone telling them what to think
You seem to miss the entire point of Classic entirely.
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Then maybe you could lead the effort on this? Tell us why and how we can help you ban this.
The classic player base does not understand this…
This actuailly concerns me. TBH. Whats next? Weakauras? Elv? Vuhdo? DBM?
Wise decision Thank you !!
No, Bornakk did not claim that he, personally, investigated this addon.
He used the “royal we”, “we” as in “blizzard”, as in “our devs”, as in “I am posting on behalf of the people who looked into this as well as those who made the decision to intervene.”
Bornakk is a CM, not a game dev. We all know he didn’t personally look into the addon, somebody else did and is communicating that feedback via the CM team, as is standard practice.
Watch them break mod-to-mod communication and all the raid add-ons, RP add-ons, etc. break. HAHAHA this is gonna be a disaster…
…or it’ll not break anything because it’ll still reskin the chat, still let us post and invite from the UI pane, and people will whine because Devs didn’t go far enough.
Oh well.