Prob cause they have no way to break this addon without destroying the API for a number of other addons no one wants destroyed…
How long until someone makes a website and people whine about that now?
O lawdy. I’m gonna miss some of y’all once classic launches. The amount of red-a$$ is amazing. I guess there’s always flight points.
Get over yourself.
You have no idea what they’re actually going to do or whether or not that will actually kill the addon entirely. It could easily shift to chat parsing/advertising exclusively and still be fairly close to being functionally identical.
And yes, people spewing their bizarre theories about the dystopian fantasy world they think the addon would lead to are nuts.
you can not announce this without also stating specifically which functions will be pruned/restricted. we need to know if other addons are going to be DoA as well.
keep in mind the ability to parse/hook incoming messages to route to addon interaction was an ESSENTIAL element in classic raiding for CTRA (/rakw autoinvite) DamageMeters (sync damage data), Decursive, some aspects of early AtlasLoot item linking, a LOT of dkp/sk/gdkp addons.
Call to Arms existed in TBC to the public but was around in other forms in classic and a multitude of us had private channel addons for finding groups.
the only difference between modern and vanilla is that the intermediate channel was an actual chat channel and not an addon api only channel to pub/sub to.
most people did not use group finding addons so do not remember their vanilla experience featuring them but they DID exist and WERE used. some were specific to other people using that same addon but not all required it.
Vanilla did though…
The code is self explanatory, I think people who are not programmers can understaind it. Whoever wrote that addon is a better coder than a lot of people I work with
This addon found a way to do it. I’m not making that up or speculating, it’s a fact.
It’s even in the video, but it doesn’t show up correctly because, obviously, the talent system is much different.
I love you so much right now.
You would be wrong on that count. It did indeed have a LFG. Inn keeper and meeting stones could queue up.
Question, but what do you hope to accomplish by making posts like this? To incite people? Do you think it will make people change their mind? Is it simply venting? Ironic, non-contributive posts like this make no sense to me. Don’t let me stop you, of course, but I apologize if you think that kind of posting will do you much of any favors.
Awesome job Blizz. Thank you! We want this to be as pure an experience as possible and allow the community to grow organically as opposed to needing to rely on an automated tool that suppresses our ability to socially interact.
Retail has access to that information, classic does not…
way to not understand that.
Just keep it out of the game itself, and you won’t hear from me.
Honestly, I’m actually more worried now than I was before. I didn’t plan on using this addon but I knew I wouldn’t be missing out because I could still see the groups if I really wanted.
Now people will just form discord cliques or use websites to arrange groups, and the community will actually be fractured.
thx Bizzard. Good job. This addon was never in Vanilla to start with . No changes
oh man i thought this weekend was gonna be a major bummer but this thread is a GIFT!
I’m sorry you are so angry. Maybe take a deep breath?
You’re a Hotwaifu. <3