ClassicLFG Add-On

Sounds to me like someone needs a nap.

Never takes me more than 10 minutes.

I didn’t know pushing keys on a keyboard to form a raid was considered work.

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Considering thats how we got groups back then unless you had a good guild and/or established friends list…

But i play a healer with a pocket tank. There was however, that one night where i couldn’t for the life of me get a third dps for BFD…


macro the boxer’s healer’s name when you learn it.
then he becomes an xp grind.

and targetted!
easy honor once you learn their names.

you completely miss the point, and its ok.

It actually works differently if people have it installed. You can apply to groups (A join group button shows) if you and the person who created the group have it installed otherwise you just whisper per usual.

I find that most people don’t use it because I rarely have the option to hit join.

I got the point. The point was you were wrong.

Multiboxing isn’t against the TOS and was actually encouraged by old blizzard.

The issue with Classic LFG was it was automated before they rework.

lol show me where blizzard encourages multi boxing, and the fact you even brought of TOS shows you completely miss the point.