ClassicLFG Add-On

Just curious. Do you guys use this add on in classic? I had put off downloading it for the longest time and decided to try it out tonight and now I wish I had used it a lot sooner. Very convenient. I don’t like an automatic group finder that retail has but this works very well, just puts all the groups people are advertising in lfg, trade , etc into one so you don’t have to keep looking at the chat.


This add-on is designed by your typical developer who puts tech before civilization. This is why your entire life is being catalogued by the NSA now. Enjoy your totalitarian regime that makes 1984 look like child’s play.


Great tool. Saves me tons of time instead of scrolling through a half dozen chat channels through unrelated chatter.

EDIT: Haha! and look who it is! Mr. Retail himself showing up to play high-and-mighty edgelord yet again! Beautiful how transparent you are bud ^,^


Correct me if I’m wrong. This addon is just a chat parser right?

It watches chat for you looking for groups forming and display it in a convenience form - in addition to helping you spam LFG announcements.


Yes I use it.

It shows groups i might otherwise have missed.

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I’m a tank. I’m my own LFG addon.


Yes pretty much.

Sweet. I no longer have to see the barrens chat in the LFG channel.

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At least once a week this topic pops up. At least once a week many of the same individuals comment in it…for or against. At least once a week…

Thank god we didn’t skip a week…


Correct! You don’t even need to see the Barrens Chat in order for it to dredge the LFG messages from the Barrens Chat too!

Mighty fine tool it is.

So you didn’t answer the question. Do you use it or no?

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lazy, lazy, lazy.

No, the game is only like a Month old, and there’s already a formed community on my server around both high level instance runs and end game PUGs, as well as raids doing faction grinds out in Silithus etc.

I simply made friends on my way to 60. No need for that sort of nonsense.

If Barrens chat is anything like Elwynn Forest / Westfall chat during peak time, then having an addon parse the chat makes sense.

Careful, guys. There are people who legitimately think you should be banned for using this add-on and they might… make an angry reply saying as much.

On second thought, go ahead.

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lmao “you like convenience when finding a group in world of warcraft QED it’s a 1984 police state”

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yeah bruh convenience is always bad, dum noobs should just use there galaxy brainS to calculate the raids damage instead of dps metres.

delete dps metres blizz, 2 conveneient

which addon is it

Yes. I use it and it works well. It’s nothing like the big scary issue streamers tried making it out to be. He removed the auto group feature. Which was an asinine feature anyways.
It’s got over 100k downloads. Oh and there’s another one too.

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