Classic WoW, the future of RP

This thread in a nutshell.

I don’t mean to alarm you guys, but something has spooked one of the brutosaurs, sending it into a panic.

LMAOOO this boy screenshotted 1800 cr :sob::sob::sob::skull:
I really try to take you seriously when you sometimes try to debate but this is too much Lio :joy::joy::joy:

Pls don’t be cryptic I don’t follow

It’s finance my good boy… nothing special

What does me being in finance have anything to do with my post? You’re trying to be deep but it makes no sense… ugh :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

You don’t come across as a moron so try to be more clever and base your insinuations on what I post, not things you make up

When your casual thread is more popular/viewed than a guy who put years of his life into something that makes him no money … oooof

Going to be a big yikes from me Greyah maybe if you learn the rules of the game you can get more visibility for your guild, but hey when I join I can draft a better recruitment post for you no charge champion, call it charity

that just sounds like wasted effort with me since i’ve never taken you seriously

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but you do and yet here we are.


Please god delete this thread

Also it’s not a compliment that more people are interested in making fun of you than joining my guild. But delete this thread, god

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If you think about it, it’s actually super convenient to have a community punching bag that keeps getting back up no matter what we do to it. What with the general tire fire BfA has been we could all stand to work off some steam.


Could everyone prove this guy wrong and comment/view on my guild recruitment post? For the shared hatred of a troll.


Wyrmrest cabal… assemble!


Everything everyone is observing about your behavior is based on your behavior. Obsessives aren’t uncommon around here, rendering interactions with you particularly rote.

Let me understand this correctly.

You apparently had the smarts to get a financing job, which would likely require you to get a degree of some sort.

And my mention of the fact fighting the Russian Front during winter was somehow “cryptic” to you? Did the amount of history students are taught drastically decrease somehow how to “Napoleon fought people, it ended bad.” and “WWII Germany fought people, it ended bad.”?!

The Russian Front during Winter is synonymous with the example of over reaching and fighting in terrible odds with out understanding the climate you are fighting in.


Daily reminder that Blizzard are cowards.


sure is a lot of mok’nathal i don’t have around here

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As a Special Snowflake™ RPer, I appreciate seeing this.

As an undead half-Ren’dorei who believes in a balance between Light and Shadow, I say go for the Priest.

I’m also running for Warchief on the platform of Elf Customization Features for Forsaken '19.


You have my vote.

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:face_vomiting::face_vomiting: Why god

There you go greyah, piggybacking off of a more successful thread is one strategy, Even if a bit shameless

Obsessive this, obsessive that, the funny thing is is that you and the rest are always the first to comment on my thread, look at the top five replies and tell me who’s obsessed …

I see, thanks for that
History is hardly related to my careers and although interesting it is hardly relevant but I concede that my knowledge of general history is lacking in many areas

This isn’t so much as a Russian front as I’m not trying to convince those that are so far gone that they forget what decent rp is but to educate those thinking about rp for the first time

Oh I forgot to mention, he’s also a king of his own faction-neutral kingdom. And married to a Draenei. Eleven years of roleplaying the same character and some crazy stuff happens!


My character ICly killed Arthas, Kil’jaeden (twice), Archimonde, Rastakhan, and Garrosh.

(Do you think his brain’s turned to mush yet?)


Curses, I’ve run out of likes for the day! Anyway I have IC raid participation for multiple characters and bosses as well. Most of my friends do to some extent if their character is in any way a combatant.