When are you two going to kiss?
i mean it is only fair we go for low-hanging fruit what with you going after my hella sweet PvP rating
me going for your complete inability to handle drawing simple shapes for a world quest
also pay for my subscription if you want to do this for/with me
I enjoy Holy priest gameplay from the little I’ve done, that’s my vote.
See I would agree on the whole circle jerk thing…
If not for the fact I am a person often with views at odds with many people you seem to have targeted here, and yet even I can tell…
This is your Russian Front, and unfortunately you have made the mistake three times for a hatrick.
**You’re campaigning during winter. I’d say До свидания (dah-svee-DAH-ña) but that’s for formal, respectful goodbyes, and while it’s fitting, instead think we’ll just go with the american classic.
I wonder if Jorintakai and Jorint are related.
i really want to eat a jonut
In the current build, every priest spec I’ve tried is a freaking disaster and every warlock speck is crazy awesome.
Of course, they apparently re-do all the classes every expac now, so if you plan to invest in a character over the long haul be aware that the future is uncertain. Disc priests used to be amazeballs in both DPS and heals. Now? Underwhelming and awkward in DPS, adequate in heals if you can get the hang of the weird counterintuitive damage-to-heal mechanic.
also-also, you said you owned it on Xbox so i doubt it has crossplay with the Steam version you dweeb
As in the characters or the players?
(I’d hope not players as it’s the same lad)
I have no particularly strong opinions on warlocks, but from the little bits I’ve done with mine (very little bits, she’s 111), demonology seems pretty fun. As casters go, they also seem fairly hardy for solo questing.
Shadow priest is a painful experience for me, and Discipline is an exercise in thinking about all the small changes that could make it 10 times better. Holy priest, however, is one of my favorite specializations in the game, and I highly recommend it for group content.
574 posts.
All because someone was upset about having to draw a circle.
if at first you don’t succeed
start making threads attempting to dictate roleplay
Please god delete this thread
It was a triangle, and it was the worst experience of his life, excuse me.
lol ok, Vincent Adultman.
I don’t have the trust so you’ll just have to google it.
What is “the industry”, I wonder?
probably something you have to be a CEO in
like Illidan Stormrage
Whatever he needs it to be for the purposes of the post.
If enough people said he couldn’t beat up the moon, he’d claim to be a NASA scientist with boxing gloves.