Classic WoW, the future of RP

You gonna pick this up or what OP?

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Also for anyone who missed this- he literally called everyone here mentally and/or physically disabled, in an apology about using slurs against the disabled. This dude is a monster.


This is, by far, the most -something- post I have ever skimmed through. You honestly kinda had me there in that first half of your OP because I get people are hella hype about Classic, and being hype is tight.

You lost me when I was reminded who you were, and while I genuinely like to try to find the good in people, I dunno.

You want and demand people to roleplay your way. If they don’t conform to your standards, they’re bad RPers who break lore and shouldn’t RP. You’re clownshoes, mate. And I love everyone here. So me calling you clownshoes is just bad times, man.

Let people RP. If you like their story, engage. If not, move along. You don’t get to trash people for writing a story and playing it out when absolutely nobody is forcing your hand to interact with them. They pay their sub fee just like you do, and how they RP literally does not impact your game at all.

By the time I type this out, you’ll likely be reading other replies and typing up another Encyclopedia Brittanica of a reply. I was carrying my niece and nephew around the pool and playing the silly little games they can’t up with and am hella tired so…

Night, clownshoes.


Awww look who’s month long forum ban got lifted.



Hes a narcissistic parasite, so bereft of pattern recognition he fails to see this little game of his is going to go down the same way every single time he pops in drop a steaming pile on all of us.


Thank you, but you appear to have severely misunderstood my point.


I don’t think he even WANTS to understand it.


Exactly. But you can’t roleplay with absolutely everyone constantly or consistently so you get back what you give. If you aren’t giving anything of a certain quality or taste, chances are you aren’t getting anything back that’s satisfying to you.

Says the guy who had trouble with geometric shapes. How’s your summer vacation post-kindergarten? I know you probably just got out of school for the year just last Thursday.


Who? The only serious discussion stemmed from someone else’s post, not yours.

“People say I have the best posts. They’re the best words. They love them. YUGE words. Fantastic. Smart. RP. Genius.”


He gets frustrated by shapes and throws a toddler tantrum when you don’t like/agree with his RP or allied race ideas…I’m not sure what anyone here is expecting.


I’m a preschool teacher- give my kids some credit, jeez. They’d get a parent meeting if they reacted this vitriolically to things.


“I’m sorry for calling you all autistic; I didn’t realize you all were autistic.”

Like, what?

While I’m having fun dunking on this dude as much as the next guy, it gets my goat how often people who are otherwise totally okay with others RPing how they want say stuff like this.

My arrogance is completely divorced from the fun I have integrating game mechanics into my RP.


Does it count if you ERP with yourself?


Tmw you can’t respond fast enough because the entire server forum is dunking on you at lightning speed.


“Gets my goat.” -Plays Draenei. I see what you did there. :smiley:

Also no ill intention, honestly. If you -do- want to Roleplay with your in game performance as a point of power, more power to you. I just get pissy when people try to flex on others because they haven’t got AoTC. My ‘arrogant’ comment was a bit too far though. Sorry about that!


I mean, I did warn him how this would go.

Then again, a gold fish has more developed pattern recognition than this dude.


Don’t insult the goldfish like that.

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Is it wrong that I am half expecting our troll friend here to start saying Manbearpig will kill the server and this this is Super Cereal, gais!


OP: Your RP game is about as strong as a mosquito’s!

WRA: Omae wa mou shindeiru

OP like 3 days later: Nani?!?!?!!,??,!,?!


No need to bother worrying guys, classic isbgonna steal all the best RPers and WrA and MG will be dead.

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