Classic WoW, the future of RP


ha. hahaha. ok that was quite a read. hahaha


I probably won’t RP in Classic. My friends wanna do a PvP server and there’s no RPPvP. And I’m not playing on 2 servers in Classic.

So unless the scene really takes off and I can’t resist, I won’t be RPing.

I will of course be making up a backstory for my character though xD


Oh no the circus is back in town and lost one of their clowns.


So says the shade of Soljeron! I’m going to be a prophet character predicting these future expansions and I’ll love every moment of it.


Not going to lie, that sounds like a really fun idea. Hope you enjoy it!


Actual post that isn’t just me trying to dunk on Soljeron.

WoW RP is what you make of it. Your input has a pretty direct correlation to the output. So if your roleplay isn’t that good, well. It’s not hard to go down the checklist.


Oh hey, someone who only comes here to troll before is back for round 2, Electric Boogaloo.


Am I the only one who thinks RP isn’t going to be much of a thing on the classic serves save for a few dedicated private guild/groups from RP servers. Does blizzard even plan to have RP servers? Then again I don’t think classic is gonna be very booming, server launch we’ll likely see a flood of people but I wonder if it’ll start to taper off as people slowly lose interest.

Also no blood elves, did ppl even RP Horde before blood elves lol??? (I didn’t read the OP since it’s that person again lol)


There’s going to be one, if I remember correctly. And I’m sure it’ll have a small, dedicated community, after the first two weeks where everybody tries it out and then doesn’t really like it.


Why is classic even a thing then


Frankly, and this is from someone who roleplays frequently, I wonder if you’ve roleplayed on either faction recently. Most characters are not ‘on par with Kalec.’ If you had a hand in the roleplay community of late you’d know most power gamers are frowned upon because it ruins the experience for others. It’s simple roleplay etiquette.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but in vanilla the roleplay scene was sparse at best, with no addon compatibility and obscenely strict rules that border nonsense, such as strictly forbidding names that aren’t fitting to a medieval aesthetic which WoW never was or will be?

Further, appearances being exclusive hardly marks that you ‘earned the right’ to play such a character archetype. If someone in the current tier, decked out head to toe, was playing a simple forsaken rogue and played it badly, they’re still playing it badly. Someone in greens playing a rogue with an interesting, compelling story behind them would catch my interest and hold it much longer than Lockjaw the Forsaken Rogue who spends his days bragging about his ganks in Stranglethorn as if they were IC feats.

A person’s ability to sink hours into the game is not a mark of how well they can write a character. Roleplay and mechanics are inherently divorced. Conflating them is just arrogant, and this whole post reeks of that snobbish ‘things were better’ attitude. I’ll be role-playing in classic with the likes of a forsaken mage, a tauren warrior, a human paladin, and probably a dwarf hunter, I enjoy every bit. And just for you, baby, I’m going to roll a bronze dragon-in-disguise.


Can’t get into depth until tomorrow but here are a few comments for tonight.

It isn’t because you don’t RP with yourself, you RP with other people and it is the community that shapes what RP is and is not.

Sorry but no one will take you seriously. Any RPer (or writer for that matter) is going to jump at the fact that they don’t have to acknowledge the steaming garbage of a story that WoW has devolved into. So have fun with that champion!

Give it some time, RPers will come to Classic and stick around. The story is better and therefore roleplay is better.

People will say ‘subjective this and that’ but the overwhelming majority will agree with me when I say that Classic lore is better than what we have now.

You’d be surprised by the number of people who comment on my posts because they feel personally attacked by what I’m saying or because they feel righteous for disparaging the author of a contentious opinion rather than debating it (see Ad Hominem). I have my own fan club and you’ll see their faces in ALL of my posts. :slight_smile:

It will, mark the date and time.

You’re right, whoops.

There are people discussing the post seriously, look to them to inform yourself.

That shapes quest is bugged and notoriously hard to complete for many players. I was met with prejudice and scrutiny (from people who have no place in a social setting, mind you). My peeve was how weird everyone was about a problem that was out of my control, but can’t expect too much from the denizens of online forums lol

As for the comment I made, I do apologize for that. I’ve learned that many forum posters, and the majority of active posters, suffer from similar handicaps and/or physical disabilities. It’s shameful to mock someone for that, so sorry!

My point is that the flashy stuff (armor, weapons, classes, mounts, toys) is extremely easy to get in the current build. This encourages RPers to go down these ‘legendary hero’ routes that wind up with the Blue Recluse full of Death Knights singing drunken karaoke. If I can’t see the fantasy that I’m jptrying to portray then it becomes harder for me to RP.

There’s a difference between Steve RPing the King of X Lands while wearing full trimmed gold plate armor vs Steve in a tunic and britches. On one hand the visuals do the talking, on the other, it’s entirely up to you to sell it. Gear in RP acts as a sort of shield that says “hey, my character is official because they have this flashy gear on”. Feels cheap.

Good RP is always going to be out there and I’ve been enjoying it. My point is that Classic is going to pave the way for better RP because of the modest gear and non-dumpster story.

An interesting point, it makes me wonder how creative people are going to get with RPing future plots in Classic. I imagine that it’ll become a stigma in no time. I’d go so far as to say that it’s powergaming as your character is omniscient at that point.

I’d look at the community again if I were you because they decide what’s a go and what’s not. A few weeks ago, I spotted a dragon RPer in Orgrimmar. The community is lax about this kind of RP IF done correctly, but regardless of how competent you are players are going to approach you and start asking questions. It was entertaining to watch this completely unprepared player try to sell their dragon RP to a mob. Needless to say they got lambasted and I haven’t seen them since. The system works and I’m a practitioner in my own right, but to a more extreme degree than most.

And that’s the gist of the post. VERY FEW are going to be RPing the legendary Old God Slayer in the park anymore. Why? Because the rules of Classic RP are different than the status quo.

That was one drop in the bucket, friend. You’ve lost any good faith you think you had here. Nice to see you, keep moving.

I also literally el oh elled when I told someone you were taking so long because you were going down the list and responding to literally every criticism, and then you did exactly that.





And you’re the expert on getting people to take you seriously, for realsies.


The only one no one here takes seriously is you my dude.



The fact that you think you speak for literally everyone shows how dangerously narcissistic and deluded you truly are.

Would I? I feel like I wouldn’t.

Yeah, people who make themselves menaces typically have a wake of victims, and victims typically like to speak up.

Again the level of delusion you exist in probably makes this point moot to you, but if people consistently say you’re being horrible, you’re being horrible. I’m sure you have some reason in that adorably twisted little head- they’re all jealous of you, it’s a conspiracy, they’re just mad because you’re right. But no. Your behavior is consistently despicable, and people aren’t going to stop saying so, until it’s no longer true. Your move, Criminal Minds.


Just imagine how empty redside will be when all the noble house bloodelves roll alliance to do the same thing on blueside

Were doomed

Youre doomed

Everything is doomed


Part of me still wonders how much of this comes from him truly thinking he’s amazing, and how much is just very dedicated trolling, with a convincing persona.