Classic WoW, the future of RP

That’s when me and other forum posters were having big boy conversations during your whining, but now the conversation is over so you fascinating bunch have my attention for a change

You must have missed a post where I stated we’re still in these threads and engaging you more for each other, to see how you will respond. It’s adorable how you think you’re trolling us or that we actually care when you can’t see beyond your own little veil that you have around yourself.

Thank you for continuing to be our entertainment.


you mean like how we didn’t have your attention before when you were quoting and responding to multiple people at a time in posts?

Delusion level 100

Dude, seriously. You aren’t liked here. No one had any sort of “big boy conversations” with you. There are 500+ posts of people mocking you and nothing else.

This thread is just a passing dumpster fire for us to roast our marshmallows on.


It’s actually sort of nifty how even people who don’t always get along can join hands and pelt this goober with digital tomatoes.


It’s s my fan club, they make an appearance in all of my threads and like most doting fans are a bit excessive in their efforts

When you learn how to properly read you should go back through and see what I’m talking about

Aw, he’s adorable!

when are you gonna learn how to draw shapes using your character’s movement as the medium


I’ve been here from the beginning and the Allied Race dumpster fire and the “ARG I DON’T UNDERSTAND SHAPES” comedy fart box

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Allied race thread? Lmao that proves that you’re confused dude, that isn’t my thread

Pretty sure that was you on your worgen alt. Same posting style, same mental break when things didn’t go your way and same complaining about bad RP.

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ILink or it didn’t happen, sounds like you’re pulling it out of your bum to justify being mad

how come people have to provide sources for their claims but we’re still waiting for this one from you

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aka every Soljeron post >_>

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Google common sense for your answer :joy:


Common sense doesn’t always or necessarily have to apply to a setting like Warcraft. Cite your sources when you want to talk about anything in the lore. This is a 25 year old multimedia series that’s had plenty of retcons (removing or rewriting or adding).

Step up your game, senpai.

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Look at you, dancing. Keeping up the image that you do only think of yourself and see yourself superior compared to us.

Of course, we need to prove things about you, but you’re free to run around spouting whatever just free as a bird with no consequence!

Please, continue to think that you are something special and providing us with entertainment. This grand sense you have about, well… everything… has provided me with the big laughs.

“Use your common sense!!!”

Is playing a game where races from other planets can interbreed and all magically know the same one language


just like ice being so brittle it would bounce off and head another direction, right?

Common. :clap: Sense. :clap:

(he said it!)

I still maintain one of the quietest, best things about the Warcraft movie was when the camera and scene shifted focus between the characters at the meeting in the valley, the languages we the audience could hear and understand kept changing.