Classic WoW, the future of RP

“all these frickin carpet elves keep sending me notes through my microwave calling me crazy”

No it was never up for debate, it was settled really quickly a couple of months ago.

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Quinn it’s really not that hard to understand if you can read buddy… he’s a guy I went to high school with… you know speaking of which I’m actually wondering if you’re him because I know he plays wow still and the resemblance is glaring

I’d ask if you went to high school in the south but that’s against the tos…

I mean several of your many posts have been very flaggable, why stop now?


You never said that. You just started talking about freshman year, like we all went to highschool with you.

Okay apparently you’re just crazy enough to think we did.

No, I didn’t, you freak. Why are you so obsessed with me?

Quinn had a meltdown when I simply said I wanted to join his guild on theses forums… imagine how affected the poor boy would be if I asked him about his real life details, even with a general, ambiguous question.

I asked you to stop harassing my guild. Are you so sensitive that that’s a meltdown to you?

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you had a meltdown over geometric shapes


This dude talking about anybody else having a meltdown is just precious.

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We’ve also reached the point where he’s going “TELL ME WHERE YOU LIVE IRL… I mean I’m not asking that, cuz I’m not allowed to. But… where do you live?”

Yeah, totally stable lol

It means he’d fit in with some of the less-than-pleasant people on the Warcraft 3 Reforged forums. Had one guy say, straight up, that if he ever met me in real life he’d go to jail because he’d kill me. It was cute.

The worst part about it is that despite months of prior harassing me (and me keeping up flagging his posts of doing it), all this post in particular got was deleted. And mine referencing it. No forum ban. Go figure.

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Okay now I have to question your skills as a writer because clearly I was talking about my high school when I brought that up, what else could I mean by bringing up freshman year…? Youre similar to the guy so I had to ask is all, and let’s talk about obsession for a second.

You’ve bumped my thread countless times because you love being a part of my conversations. If you weren’t here in my thread then I wouldn’t be asking you any questions or even interacting with you. Yet you post time and time again even though you’re clearly upset because, well, you’re obsessed with me. :ok_hand:

But thanks for answering my question, you may not be the Quinn I went to highschool with but you could have fooled me.

You know what else could fool you?

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No, because I want you to stop harassing and stalking people. Which you’re now attempting to bring irl. You’re gonna get yourself in some serious :poop: dude.

Ooooh, you guys are used to dealing with people like this so you’re mistaking me for one. When have I ever said anything even close to that? All I asked him if he went to hs in the South, which is extremely general.

Bud you’re literally trying to figure out who I am irl.

you’re getting there, don’t worry i believe in you

In other news, I can’t flag anymore posts on the WoW forums for another 11 hours. This is why this system absolutely sucks. I know they have the cooldown timer in case of abuse reasons but what it really does is wrap things around full-circle and that people can just abuse that by keeping up whatever brand of nonsense they’re peddling until a moderator finally gets around to addressing flagged posts.


Theme song for the current state of this trainwreck of a thread

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Yes pal I wanted to know if I knew you and i dont so that’s going no where. Quinn I didn’t even show up to pvp with your members what would make you think I care enough to uproot my rl to come and what? Stalk a preschool teacher??

Goblins and Transmogs are 2 of my favorite things in WoW these days. I have yet to RP in WoW (I really should someday), but when WoW was in its vanilla days I spent most of them on CoH but the RP wasn’t magically superior to current RP. It may even be worse this time around.