Classic WoW, the future of RP

The two he has occasionally bounce together to produce just enough activity for him to type down those single few thoughts allowed before they part ways again.

It’s like waiting for the DVD player logo to bounce into the corner.


what is this about?

There’s no one that abuses their power of anonymity that wasn’t maladjusted to begin with.

It’s also basically irrelevant to what I was getting at. Literally anyone in the world can take off all their clothes and walk around outside naked, but nobody does because all of society is founded on what people think.

If you don’t care what other people think about you, that makes you an antisocial weirdo, and no amount of stolen Matrix metaphors will change that.



Morpheus is fighting Neo.

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i’m talking about strangers on the internet buddy, learn to understand context clues before you get on your soapbox…

wait i just saw this, LMAO

Quinn’s guild is probably the easiest of the 3 to join, it’s the simplest kind of casual RP going. Literally anyone would get accepted so perhaps I shouldn’t brag

he says from atop his soapbox


Social context isn’t scrubbed away at your router. If you can’t even grasp the concepts that people onlinet are actual real-life human beings and that you’ve been literally trained from birth to care about what other people think, then you don’t deserve to be on the internet.


So this whole no more downvoting to oblivion or simply ignoring chodes system is totally working out


450 posts

of Warcraft

The drums of war thunder once again.

This is actually a pretty edifying post. During my time on the WrA forums I’ve been surprised at how people respond to someone they will never know (way too emotional). I’m starting to piece together why everyone is so defensive on this forum and I think I’ve found the answer: this is your socialization, or a major part of it. That’s fine, but it’s keeping you naive.

It explains why everyone feels so attacked by discussing pretend time and why people don’t just ignore someone they don’t like - it’s because the internet is a normal social setting to you. You probably come here regularly to chat with people as if it’s a cafe or bar, and you see no difference. That isn’t the case at all.

The internet is not a normal social setting and there are no standards for who ‘deserves to be on the internet’ and who doesn’t, nor will there ever be. It’s a free for all and the worst humans alive will be participating along with everyone else. Of course they won’t be as well represented, but they can be anywhere.

At the end of the day, you’re a guy who probably lives across the country who I will never see or interact with in my life, except through an online avatar discussing fantasy pretend. It’s of no concern to me, but to you it clearly means something genuine as you really think that what people personally say about you online can add any significant value to your life. It’s intangible and unrelated to you and your personal goals, honestly.

You need to internalize that now because you are in for a very rude awakening when you realize real life is not so sheltering. Whatever you take from these forums… consider this reply.

Laughed for real this time. This thread was worth it after all.


You lack impulse control… I suggest exercise

On what basis is it possible to run out of flags?


In a world where nuclear tensions are inflamed over Twitter posts, this attitude is literally dangerous.

In a world where almost a third of all living human beings use Facebook, the Internet is going to be normalized as a place of socialization whether you like it or not.

Not taking the internet seriously in that regard is part of how we got the rise of alt righters among Millennials and younger, and I wish I was even slightly kidding.


I get your point but you seem to not understand that this is the world of warcraft wyrmrest accord roleplaying forums. I don’t know who you are and you don’t know who I am. It’s anonymous, Twitter and Facebook are not and there is a huge difference. I really don’t know where to begin to explain Ursuola…

You lack any sort of social graces or etiquette. Whether you are coming in here complaining about shapes or allied race ideas and going off the deep end when people don’t bow down and kiss your feet like some king of RP or all knowing demigod you may think you are. You are extremely abrasive which tells me you are heavily compensating for some shortcomings you and I imagine many others have seen about yourself. You believe our replies shows our interest in you or page views gets your almighty word out to others like you’re some sort of RP messiah come to save the masses from what you deem poor quality, but you see… you are nothing but a passing dumpster fire to us and I imagine many others. You haven’t shown any redeeming qualities and while I do try to see the best in people all you’ve shown me here is creepy and completely ridiculous.

So keep on burning dumpster fire, we will keep dunking on you till you get another forum vacation.


I mean if you actually read my posts and stop being emotional it’s easy to see that I’m trying to debate something.

If you can’t handle a blood elf on the forums arguing for better RP in a straightforward way, then you’ve proven my point. Time to man up buddy

You don’t want debate. Nobody like you ever wants debate.


You wouldn’t know because you haven’t even tried to make an argument, you’re just a part of the circle jerk and you know that’s true.