Classic WoW, the future of RP

Thanks I guess? Although…

This is really more the impression I go for 'round these parts. Not much point taking the WoW forums too seriously these days.

I absolutely was and I won’t believe otherwise.

It was an allusion to your shape troubles though.

Literally all normal people as a conceit of civilization, actually.


Just going to say, even if you are playing a different character than Soljeron, the smell of fecal matter will eventually get through and someone will eventually get annoyed.

Also, you should at least demonstrate an understanding of capitalization and punctuation before saying you could write someone’s characters better than they can.


You grammarist, how dare you.

oh i didn’t know we were roleplaying right now and this isn’t an online forum where casual conversations can be had… also look at my original post?

so i was right, nice

we’re on the internet champ…

xins no one will be able to tell its me because i join guilds to write a character, not socialize.

hell i could join quinn’s guild and become his best friend if I wanted to

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.


I don’t know how to explain to you that human beings don’t stop being human beings the moment they sit down in front of a computer.


…do you not get what guilds are for?

Dude, the chance of you being in quinn’s guild is about the same as me becoming an elf in real life. As in, -0%.


it’s called the power of anonymity

newsflash: anonymity brings out the worst in people is a very true statement

Well yeah, I thought my contempt had been pretty obvious. Did you understand the parts about shapes? I was proud of myself so I want to be clear that I am mocking you.




As someone who likes pineapples on pizza this offends me on a personal level.

you’d think that people would understand that by now… how old is the internet again?

you get what you’re looking for in a guild. i get my socialization irl, but i don’t get to pretend to be an orc warrior in real life without going to jail, but i have RP for that

Plot Twist: This is Ion’s side character we’ve been dealing with the whole time.

He’s like so close to being self-aware but just can’t make that final connection between the two brain cells bouncing around between his ears.

That’s why I don’t think he’s a troll in the way of “just saying things to say them”, he genuinely believes this stuff.

I would’ve put some on my pizza I made tonight but between only sleeping 2 hours and not eating all day but still going to work, I got lazy at the last second.


Ion is a lawyer, that’s why all the doublespeak. I honestly believe Ion would eat this goofclown alive.


Bold of you to assume he actually has more than one.