Classic WoW, the future of RP

yes, because the guild is a roleplaying guild, not an ooc popularity guild. the only reason they don’t want me to join is because of my presence on the forums, which is totally OOC. and of course I wouldn’t get into many guilds for speaking my mind as being a GM is very much like being a business owner in that you bear the risk of who you hire/recruit, and if an unpopular person joins your ranks then you are guilty by association and risk your reputation. it’s why iw on’t say which guild i’m in on wra :wink:

my character as a person has little to do with my interest in the guild as i’ll be writing a character

im hiding the secret to great rp apparently, because many don’t seem to understand the basics… hmm

  1. don’t be rude about it

oh no soljeron failed the first step


Dude it is mind-blowing that you’re sitting here publicly rationalizing how you apply to guilds under false pretenses when you specifically know you aren’t wanted there and somehow think this is both okay and not amazingly creepy.


You don’t use any punctuation or grammar. You’re ignorant of most literary terminology.

You’re a terrible writer.


I love how the guy is foolish enough to think an RP guild would actually let him remain if his behavior was brought to the light.

It’s almost as though most RP guilds would go “Hmmm, this guy might be the equivalent to seasoning my dinner with bleach” and promptly remove them since most people aren’t going to want a loudmouthed, arrogant, offensive sub-par RPer to have their guild’s name attached to it. It’s almost like having them present would deter other players because you throw the garbage out, not keep it inside.


Well he keeps saying his writing “guarantees him entry”, but he’s terrible.


wait am i not supposed to do that

I live in America, so no. Heyo!


As someone who has actually skulked about and caught him RPing. There is a reason I told Buliss he wasn’t missing much not welcoming him into the Vol’kar Legion

Okay actually.

Out of curiosity I just clicked on OP’s profile.

Remember how he was complaining about people wearing outlandish outfits? Now go look at his transmog.

I am increasingly sure this entire thing is one giant troll job and he just wants attention.


is that allowed on the forums

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As long as bleach isn’t involved.

I’m late, but…

anyone who seriously uses this ‘argument’ has no credibility whatsoever.


the hell do y’all got against bleach it really brings out the flavour of the pineapples on my pizza

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Don’t you mean “allusion?”


What are you implying?!

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I laughed.

Well, I made a prolonged wheezing noise, which is as close as I get these days. So thanks for that.

i see, thanks for the correction Quinn as I thought he was alluding to the gist of my post…

okay so this has got to be addressed in the perfect fashion of this person’s reply:

so this guy acknowledges that i’m a POS (lmao) which I don’t care about because he’s an online stranger. the important part is that he provides insight into the dicsussion and I will admit that his roast at the end is unrelated to my current point but a cherry on top. in other words, who cares what strangers have to say?

it’s not a false pretense? i want to RP a horde warrior in a good military guild and those are great options. when i join im going to RP, because that’s what I joined for

quinn im not even trying to be careful with my writing right now and the fact that i was confused one time doesn’t make me a terrible writer,

in fact i bet i could write your characters better than you can

xin you need to reread my post because i literally said i would get kicked if they knew i was also soljeron, and I don’t RP on him if you’re referring to the one time I was in Org trying to pick apart Xalodias RP (i was asking ooc questions icily without any effort of keeping IC, and she entertained that as if it was normal RP lol)

you come across as intelligent but im starting to think you’re oblivious. i rp on a different character on WrA, Sol is my pvp character on MG who smokes terrible RPers in SW dressed like that

Post on it then.


exactly, so stop trying to insinuate people are playing pretend on an online MMORPG wrong/poorly/incorrectly

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