Classic WoW, the future of RP

i hit 1800 solely for getting transmog as the Ret paladin in 2s with my buddy on a Prot paladin, i know i’m not 2.2k but at least i’m competent enough to know that rogues and the majority of DKs aren’t a problem

i’m glad we’ve established though that

  1. you don’t understand shapes
  2. you’re shaky with a relatively solid, competent class
  3. you hate high fantasy but must be a masochist because you chose Warcraft as your stomping ground
  4. you get clowned on constantly on the Wyrmrest forums
  5. you straight up live in your own reality

Ah, I see. Only a TRUE CEO is ever held accountable for the weird stunts they pull.


i’m also double-posting just to ping Soljeron again with a screenshot of my buddy and i hitting 1800 which isn’t that much higher than the 1750 that’s allegedly showing for me

I’ll admit, I actually have no idea what the cutoff for “good at arenas” is.

The season I tried for the “win 100 3s matches” mount, I ended around 1800, and out of curiosity went to see if I could figure out the kind of skill level that placed me in, but it seemed like half the Arena community was “don’t talk to me if you’re under 2k rating” and the other half was “anyone higher than 1500 has no life.”

From a few friends that were/are more into it, it seems more like around the 2k mark? We just started really late in the season and honestly probably could’ve done Duelist. It’s a mix of playing at the right hours (not later at night between our timezones, that’s usually when the more competent people are still on and looking to MURDER) and just putting in enough hours. Not even necessarily to learn (though that is a part of it) but also just to get like… good matchups that are more even or in favour for your composition (once you know what your team’s big upsides and downsides are).

I don’t think I’d really dip a toe back into arena unless it was super casually or if there’s another super impressive armour set. I personally think there’s more gratifying competitive games out there instead of Warcraft PvP.

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Man this is so low tier, low effort that I can’t even summon the energy to give a proper go at the attention this guy is craving.

Is this enough? Does it count? I’m worried I won’t be accused of taking this intensely and emotionally enough.

i could always use this thread to write an essay about why Wolfenstein 2 was a really shaky sequel that i’d dare say felt just… bad

you know, to help with the whole idea mentioned before of “dumping sand” on the thread

Ah. He’s back.

We, as a server, kind of stink at calling this behavior out, though. Others have done it before and gotten away with it.

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Not when I’ve seen it. I’ll call that :poop: out every time.


quinn i really think you can’t read dog…

this whole time i’ve been saying stick to the lore and don’t make up your own. im for fantasy just not your fantasy, but the fantasy of the game we’re playing

you use Elon as an example as if he’s just that, I’m referring to the thousands of people who hold the title as employees, not the one of a kind world changer who is musk

Didn’t you essentially predict this exact thread when he disappeared last time?


the one with demons, magic, undead, minotaurs, time travel, alternate realities, gods that are born from planets, spaceships, immortals, cyborgs, uhhh what else am i missing

orcs and ogres being descended from a bunch of rock people fighting a bunch of plant people

talking weapons


Anyone could have predicted this. We’ve seen enough obsessives on this server to know their patterns.

He’ll continue getting angrier and angrier until he gets a forum suspension, then he’ll disappear for awhile, then he’ll come back with the same post until we atone for the sin of not being impressed with him.

So it goes.


Female dwarves that have no beards.

female dwarves that have no beards

motorcycles, chainguns, tanks, helicopters, planes, rockets

star people

humanity is descended from giant, literally metal vikings

Keanu Reeves.

Like, really. The only setting I can think of that just manages to beat out Warcraft in the realm of “making the impossible possible” is like.

A superhero MMO/setting.

This guy gets a lot of exercise from moving those goalposts repeatedly

ETA till he claims windmills cause cancer or that mars is part of the moon?