Classic WoW, the future of RP

Don’t you dare summon that devil back here o.o

oh c’mon, what’s he gonna do? look at his wife/co-gm’s chatlog on her monitor while she’s trying to sass me in-game, see me mention him ONCE, and hop in on his own computer and start whispering me like a big tough guy going “don’t let me ever see you type my name to her again”?

Lmfao I forgot how completely ridiculous OfB was.

I don’t know what makes OP think a weird transmog is required for weird people to roleplay as weird archetypes. If anything it just won’t be as obvious.

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No, he’ll do what he always did. Look for anyone he took issue with, find them and try his best to run them off by…doing…exactly…what…Solj…has threatened to do with infiltrating guilds…

Wait a minute. Good gods…is Solj infact Beloch…thats both a sad and rather unsettling thought.

Seriously that mans guild was the bain of my existence as a beginner rper.

I thought this guy was from Tekken…


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Not sure where you’re going with that one but my post is rational and informed. If you disagree, you can explain why.

I guess this is supposed to be funny but roleplayers roleplay to roleplay. Gear only serves as an accessory.

It’s not about ‘weird’ transmogs…

Classic gear is extremely hard to get. Flash was earned through 100s of hours of gameplay. For the last few years flashy stuff has become the norm. Many players have taken this as meaning that their characters should be written fittingly for this over the top gear. It’s a roleplaying power creep, essentially. Remove that option, and you’re left with a much more authentic baseline from which RPers can build their characters.

No idea who that is but he sounds a bit crazy.

I’m not about to ‘infiltrate’ a guild; I’ll join with the guild master’s blessing and enjoy RP. My thing is, you won’t even know it’s the guy you hate. It is funny to see how afraid people get, especially when they talk so tough on the forums. Keyboard warriors. :joy:

Kureya do you need me to send you my old glasses? You never seem to be able to read my posts properly. What I say is clear cut and if you can’t understand… well, that’s on you champion.

I could list a lot of things is why I’m general about it. I don’t know why players are under the impression that DH’s and archetypes like them behave like normal people. If you know anything about the lore you would understand that this is far from the case and if you’re a decent writer you would write your DH with consideration to that lore.

A demon hunter is not about to be a clown and juggle apples in the middle of Silvermoon during the events of Argus, or be in a bar drinking like some bum alcoholic, or flirting with various women around Stormwind because they can’t control their Shivarra(?).

You need to essentially give up your humanity to be known as a DH, and that’s where the tradeoff is. You’re not writing a regular character anymore. I don’t know how else to say that because you seem to think that DH’s are regular people with psychological problems. They’re zealous, fel-pocked monsters who only seek to destroy the burning legion. That doesn’t mean every DH is the same, but they all share those goals. Seriously, it’s in the name… and if it’s something else, the writer usually has a great and creative reason for it, but there’s no justifying a DH doing the above, unless you say they’re insane which I personally think is a cheap excuse.

Let’s take a real life example to illustrate my point… how many CEOs have you seen misbehaving in absolutely un-CEO like ways? Very few, and if they’re caught, they’re done. So why is it so rare? It’s because they’re calloused individuals who have a reputation to uphold. DH’s are similar, except far more extreme in their trade (sacrificing everything for revenge, etc.). It’s not impossible for DH’s to act totally out of character, but it is extremely unlikely and a hard sell in any respectable RP setting.

Lastly… notice how there are no named DH’s who are goofy, You know why? They’re demon killing machines! Simple.

gear isn’t a lore power creep, the setting is

if you don’t like how fantastical or over the top a high fantasy game is, may i suggest finding an alternative?

farming simulator might be more your speed

paladins aren’t “regular” either, i think your blood elf paladin is too much for the community he’s a bit over the top

let’s not and say we did(n’t)

what was illidan the CEO of

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Why did you reply to me but only quote other people? Learn to use the forum, it’s not that hard. You clicked the blue rectangle on accident I think. I know you struggle with shapes so I’ll give you a pass this time.

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Elon Musk?


Also depends on what you consider CEO-like. Being subhuman garbage unable to connect on any level with any other member of humanity is pretty CEO-like to me.


Now that I think of it -

Soljeron probably plays games on Xbox because the face buttons are all letters. As opposed to the Playstation controllers, where all the face buttons are shapes. And we all know that track record.


Soljeron never works out because someone called it “getting in shape” once and he got scared.


shape disappear too fast no like me keep failing blizzard fix


Soljeron’s least favorite movie? The Shape of Water.


Soljeron’s least favourite Ed Sheeran song: Shape of You.


Hitting 1800 in ranked 2v2 during BFA season 1 was probably the hardest thing I have ever done in this game. Heck yeah I am going to flaunt the set I unlocked by doing it.

If you think BFA doesn’t have difficult to acquire gear you are smoking more than is healthy.

Yeah Soljeron, you need to shape up.

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i know you love reading my posts so i thought to keep you in the loop

he’s an entrepreneur, there’s a difference

do not go around Stormwind… your head will explode


dude we are paladins… 1800 is easy for me and i don’t know shapes!! haha

But yeah a perfect example of people using gameplay to facilitate RP, once again.

you made a thread complaining about DKs and rogues as a paladin player