Classic WoW, the future of RP

The real reason Soljeron is happy about no mogging is because if you look at his mog it’s awful.

He wants everyone to look awful so he feels better about his lack of style and taste.

I at least colour-coordinated my horror show.

No, don’t forget he’s not on his uber cool main character with the totally radical amazing guild that would (and if not, should be) probably tell him to shut his face up.

Again. Since you can’t seem to grasp the concept (much like you can’t grasp geometric shapes)

IF :clap: YOU :clap: AREN’T :clap: PAYING :clap: THEIR :clap: SUBSCRIPTION :clap: YOU :clap: HAVE :clap: NO :clap: RIGHT :clap: TO :clap: DICTATE :clap: HOW :clap: OTHERS :clap: PLAY :clap: PRETEND :clap:


You know I almost forgot his main was in “the best RP guild ever”

You lot have a habit of mischarcterising what I say. It’s typical of someone losing an argument (the constant ad hominem tops it off).

If you can’t gather that I’m a supporter of roleplay rules that are widely accepted by various RP communities that have been cultivated since D&D AND a supporter of the games lore then you haven’t been reading my posts.

I’ll be around later to reply to the meaningful stuff but this is my last word to my strange fan club.

pay our subscriptions or go lay in a bog


I bet his Uber Cool Main Character is also dressed as a disorganized box of crayons.

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You can’t misinterpret something that doesn’t have a meaning, as most of any of your posts lack any substance nor accurately responding to criticisms nor present any evidence.

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No it’s not.


Go away, OP. You smell like beef and cheese

You lot? What the rest of humanity? Move on, clown.

Might be a digression but I just wanted to note I have never once seen anyone make this accusation who was acting at all rationally, and I think that’s an interesting note on the state of society.

Yeah, I’m not sure about that specifically but I feel like I was adequately warned about this dude way back in the first couple dozen posts and the rest of this hasn’t reflected well on anybody.

what will my reflection show?

Disney! My only weakness!

Curse yoooouuuu…

Love is an open doooooooooooooooooor

You know, at the time it was an amusing distraction. But the more I think about it, the more I’m sure that I perpetuated something ridiculous and should have left it alone.

You play this? I’d destroy you :joy: but I’m on xbox

RPers ain’t gonna flock in droves to somewhere where they can’t xmog their gear.


no i just said it because i like to say it :joy::ok_hand:

sub-zero is the guy that throws the spears and says “i’ve studied all your moves sonya” right

EDIT: found a picture of sub-zero, my bad

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I don’t mean to be pessimistic about RP on classic servers, I’d love if there was an active community esp since I didn’t start RPing until Cata. I feel like I missed out on a lot but I think I’m just pessimistic at classic servers being that popular :thinking:

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