Classic WoW, the future of RP

“my subjective take is objective please clap”


For the record

This is an example of the actual meaning of begging the question. It’s on topic because this is a thread about pedantry.

He is literally one one who put ‘objective’ in quote marks when he responded to me about it, too, so I feel like he’s not as unaware of his subjectivity as he’s pretending to be.

"I make the rules, I am the judge of how valid the make believe we are all playing in pretend land. I will wait for my applause.

Why arent you applauding? You must all be terrible at pretend."

that’s what happens when you troll too hard, kids

you troll yourself

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What are you even talking about? You’re all emotion and no logic. There are stigmas in the community against breaking those rules and more often than not someone will call you out for breaking the lore.

Your neuroses keep getting more intense and quite frankly I’m not going to acknowledge them if they continue.

The more you type Sol dude the less I think you actually know what any words you’re using mean.

Like, at all, let alone context.



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Yeah Korr, stop being so neurotic by, um checks notes…criticizing the op?

Dude saying things as if facts when they’re not, doesn’t make it logic. “I am the authority on everything, please post positive responses only.” Is not something a logical person says. And it’s basically a summary of everything I’ve ever heard you say.


Did babby forget how his shapes worked and now he needs to let out his anger?

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Soljeron handforged the logic of this land by toiling over his forge and anvil, by the sweat of his brow.

How dare you question it.

I still want to know exactly what activities no DH would ever engage in, and why it would be impossible for any DH to do so. You were super vague about it, possibly because a real answer doesn’t exist.

What I think we all need to know Lio is what you are going to 1v1 him in to duel for the role of arbiter of all RP on WrA.

I won’t even need to challenge him to Brood War/Quake/Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat/Killer Instinct/Warcraft 3 because homeboy - as a paladin somehow? - has trouble with rogues.

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Considering his habit for not actually supporting his own nonsense I wouldnt hold my breath.

Dude is like the physical embodiment of all the idiots yelling at DKs that they arent ever allowed to feel positive emotions ever again.

You can take him in like, NBA Street or somethin.

Am I the only one seeing all of this who strongly suspects he doesn’t actually believe what he’s saying and it’s just a bid for attention?

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i’ll only play basketball games with big head mode