Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory


And I agree. It’s bad and encourages bad social behavior. We have our brothers and sisters in BC to thank for a pull a number out of our back side GearScore addon for its acceptance at all.


They discontinued the armory app. You can still access it on the site though


Also to clarify, and its splitting hairs I know, but Raider io does not get its stats from the armory webpage. It gets it from the wow API that allows your toon to be imported to a number of sites.

Yeah srsly why don’t I, learn to infer context. I was being intentionally obtuse. I don’t think armory was a feature in Vanilla. Either way I think the communities reliance on both is silly.

The arrogance, I know.

Who wants to carry my fresh 120 behind through some hard content?

Doesn’t matter. No one is going to take you if you have no done the content before unless they are willing for it to be slower or they mostly over gear it. That score may exist on a third party site but do you have any idea how classic actually worked?

Everyone knows everyone who does end game content on actual vanilla servers, this wont be a private server. I still remember probably easily 200 people I played with in classic by in game name. I still remember the people who couldnt play to save their life and demanded into groups.

Raiderio will exist in classic as a metric to show if youve done something. You raid with guilds not pugs. You do dungeons without timers. You are being paranoid over the fact you don’t want people to kick you for being a drag on their play time or are being paranoid about something in a modern game that even if it did exist in classic wouldn’t even function in the same capacity.

I haven’t used the website personally, so I’m not sure how it works. If Blizzard can block it and keep the armory then fair enough.

Troll Paladins? So glad I left already. Lol


I’m only a troll because I want Zin’rohk. Over 1200 solves in. Gonna happen one day hopefully. Also they spin when you use crusader strike very amusing.

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The only line of 20 anything that will be in front of me in IF is a line of 20 bodies.


When I reactivated this paladin in Legion as I rerolled on tbc launch and mained a warlock until then. I actually logged in, got ganked on the IF bridge by a rogue.

Was nice.

Sure there are some like that.

But I have no desire whatsoever to join a random group to be carried. Not even remotely fun.


Learn to recognize their gear first hand like we did before there was such a thing as Armory.

This is part of the Classic WoW skillset…



I don’t have any issues with a Classic Armory, and I have no issues without it.

Burning Crusade, yes. It was part of the Arena, and led to the 2007 WoW April Fool’s joke - the Tinfoil Hat.

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What you call a Crutch I call a tool. (well in some cases, you get the point)


Nail, head, boom.

I’m trying to find a release date on the Armory feature but no luck just yet. I don’t really care if it’s in there with the rest of the modern framework etc. I do get ever so tired of the ‘you just want a carry’ crowd though. Manzo above cites TBC era which sounds right.

I guess the super leet player of today will always find another way to /2 “ICC Run @6:30, link achieve & gearscore or scrub” other players.


Patch 2.0 December 5th 2006


you guys realize even if blizzard doesn’t make an army some third party will.


RaiderIO is an addon for Mythic +. It will show what the maximum + level you’ve completed for each dungeon. Your score grows by completing M+ dungeons on higher level.

While it’s not perfect, it gives a summary of what content the player has run. I think it’s better than other previous systems like gearscore. You at least know if the player you’re investigating has seen the content on that character before (obviously you can’t know if they were carried or bought there way through).


Lmao Imagine looking people up for a 5 man PuG

I see here that you have completed MANY strat lives … I TRUST you. Lmao can we just get Trustpilot for wow

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Not that I do many as I’m not that into PvE, and I’ve never been a fan of things like raiderio, but to be fair current 5 man M+ is raid level content once you get to a certain level. They aren’t trivial after a certain level of gear anymore.

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