Classic WoW is so Toxic

With chats nothing but people selling bop gear, summons, portals, people skipping content its no wonder classic dies so hard after MC. Its defiantly a player made problem, if and when wow ever makes a classic+ and strips all these abilties people will wonder why.
You can’t even question them or you get pounced by 20 people and mass reported.


Join a guild

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My cat jumped on my keyboard around level 17 and turned off all chats somehow. Never bothered to turn them back on because it’s so peaceful. Occasionally join layer or services if I need something and that’s it.

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What would you like to talk about, Soofikins?

that solves none of the issues the op is referring to.


Turn off services chat

What content?

Things you don’t like aren’t automatically problems

This isn’t true and Ironforge pro population charts prove it, as well as many pservers dying during AQ phase


I can’t even take you seriously, so your saying boosting doesn’t skip content??? I mean the ones that don’t boost don’t have anyone to group with if they boost, hello?

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I didn’t say that, I asked you a question and you’re freaking out for no reason.

You don’t either way, you assume people who are boosting alts would manually level those alts and group with you, most of them wouldn’t. They just don’t play alts if boosting is banned


Most people will level to 60 farm pre raid bis and quit……or make an alt and buy boosts to level. Boosting isn’t the boogeyman you think it is. And if they don’t quit they only play one character if boosting was to be removed.

While boosting is annoying if your still actively leveling you already missed the “let’s group up and farm dungeons” train unless you join a big guild.

These forum crybabies always on the hunt for the next boogeyman


Boosting is lame. Go do something else if you don’t want to play the game.


You can report boosting, gold sellers and the like. There is an ingame option for it when you report someone.

Not sure how strict Blizzard handles these things, but the option is at least there.

That being said, to find a group on max level that does not have all items reserved is nearly impossible and the low level dungeon groups are spare.

They should make it so that loot is personal and that if another player is 10 levels higher than you, that you don´t get XP and loot. Would solve a lot of issues.

But ya, classic is just retail 2.0 at this point which proves my point again. Not WOW as a game is s bad today, it´s the community which ruins everything the Devs come up with.

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Just don’t boost then

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In addition to that:
Report anyone who advertises services outside of the services channel.

All the leveling dungeons that people boost to get past, getting the UBRS key, getting the Scholo key, actually clearing trash rather than skipping everything, AFKing/Fishing in AV instead of actually participating in the BG, paying for completed DM runs for the buffs, and some people even cheat(buy gold) to bypass leveling up their tradeskills.

I am leveling an alt and there’s tons of groups/people around still.

I am still fighting for tags on mobs.


I’ll take toxic chat in classic over the toxic silence of retail any day.


You mean people on the internet are toxic.

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Be the change you want to see in the world.

people need to stop finding useless things to cry and complain about. its cringe and annoying.

this happens in every mmo to ever exist and is perfectly fine. u can enjoy ur 10min fp to uc ill buy a port for a 1g so i can play the game.

no the game is just boring at a certain point. theres nothing to end game classic besides raid and spam av


Era going strong almost half a decade :muscle:

The gold-buying-anti-gdkp-fomo-chasing-classic players are the issue not vanilla.

Blizzard caters to them too softly, they need discipline.