Classic WoW is so Toxic

Too many DPS. No tanks or heals. I’ll boost thanks. Not sitting for 8 hours trying to find a group. It’s stupid and a waste of time.


I’m having the opposite problem on my Paladin. I’ve got an all blue DPS set because I get into more runs as DPS than as a healer

unfortunately, blizz is the only one with the power to make the change

None of these things are problems, you don’t need to buy BOP items, it’s also easy to get by without using portals or summons. Lastly, people skipping content also doesn’t hurt wow. Really the only thing that hurts wow is toxic people who get upset that other people aren’t playing the game like they feel it has to be played.

Download an add-on like badboy, clear your chat, join a good guild that has other people who like to level like you do, and quit worrying about someone who wouldn’t want to group with you anyway, so they would never have any real impact on your playing experience.


Yep. Even on Japan time 2000, the slower 3rd shift of dreamscythe, I was having issues on the tauren mills kill farmers quest for my horde 24 rogue.

grouping not an option…it was mages doing mage things. Mage off actually…who could pull the most!

I jsut went back to stone talon. Stone talon is a walking simulator. and odd as hell distribution. Dead easy road trash (ergo crap xp and loot) to my 24 rogue pulling one 26/27 in quest spots…and somehow more show up with the best of planning.

But less go there, take the good with the bad. Questies shows I’ve done the ashenvale workables…so its not I have lots of choices lol. Also its a worse walking simulator than stone talon at times.

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I also dual spec my healers for this reason. However the issue remains that you can’t get groups. 0 tanks. The OP is a lunatic and needs medical attention.

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some of us are immune to its toxins. Others are weak.

This is how you know everything is fine. Just find the right group.

If you don’t like that stuff you can alway come play Era with normal players and have a good time and not be in a rush and not have to be thinking in the back of your mind that your character is effectively deleted when TBC comes out… unless TBC is your goal then you got 10 months to hit level cap and then chill because you can effectively replaced all but T3 in heroic dungeons.

I know this probably doesn’t help you, OP, but Alliance on Mankrik Era cluster is pretty good right now. I ran several dungeons this weekend on a handful of different characters. Almost all of the runs were smooth, and almost all of the group members were good but also reasonable. I’ve experienced very little of what anyone would call toxicity recently.

What is mentioned is hardly what makes the game toxic lol those things are intended have you been chugging troll sweat lately? The elephant in the room regarding toxicity are guilds and pissbrain cult mentality in the game

Gotta zoom, and Classic isnt designed for 30k people zooming on one server. But here we are.

Make a x9 character and play WSG instead. Anniversary has WSG popping in every sub-60 pvp bracket.

There’s a good chance your cat is really a Druid stuck in catform.