Classic WoW is set to totally overshadow modern WoW

I wouldnt play bfa if you paid me to, Mr nightborne.

Haha. You may be onto something here.

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Don’t get confused because you haven’t seen something
 These guys level 30 you mention, are mostly the top dog of vanilla wow, know exactly what they are doing, and they intentionally skipping content, and power leveling time efficient, no professions and many other aspects that will help you later.

An average player can take months just leveling up to 60, but after that your journey begins looking for gear, ( there is no tokens, honor points, or caches) getting appropriate resistances, hit cap, defense cap depending on your role, is not a joke and time consuming, farming hard to get money for your epic mount or your missing spells etc
 So if you haven’t experienced classic before don’t rush talking, just investigate, or try it after August 27 who knows you might end enjoying as hell.


How lost you are buddy? Truly I respect you.
After the success of WoW, the first expansion The burning Crusade came out in 2007.

You know what happened? only a few guilds had the chance to even enter Original NaxxRamas and guess why? not because it was EXTREMELY HARD OMGSH! the truth is, almost all hardcore guild abandoned because TBC came “too soon” WoW was launched Nov 2004, and you are saying 6 months the content is done, lol are you serious? the opening of the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj is a massive and quite unique event that will take time and require the entire server cooperating together, BTW this is gonna be the second time we will see it, don’t miss that bro. Many people like ALTS YES, do you really think you will spend all the time it takes to get everything you want for your toons in 6 months? buddy this is not BFA sorry, and I don’t blame you, you are used to that.


To be fair
 I sincerely believe WoW’s probably the only MMO that could have survived a perpetual content drought in its Vanilla state. But once they started adding expansions that capability went right out the window.

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And it took them like 12 years from people pressuring them to death to bring vanilla back, loosing the majority of players in the meantime. Smart idea blizz! Lol


Makes you wonder, don’t it?

30 only as a number is halfway but it not
only gets harder
lv 1 to 10 takes 2 hours if you know what your doing and not doing profs. 10 to 20 takes 8 then approx 1 hour to 2 hours per lv 20 to 30. It takes the same amount of time lving one to 30 as it does 55 to 60.

cant wait for it when there is nothing to do on classic wow you can check out retail wow.

Lol. Where are people going to go? Back to BFA good joke.

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And watch it neuter itself. Remember, Retail WoW is also the end result of the Devs responding to community requests even if they didn’t use a formal polling system.

I’d rather let Blizzard do what it does best. Break games down to their fundamental gameplay components(after somebody else has been there), identify what works and what doesn’t, and then build a game around what works.

Thanks to Retail WoW, “somebody has been there” now, and when paired with Classic as a bookend on Retail they have something to contrast against. (And all kinds of usage data to boot, something they didn’t have much of for Vanilla pre-beta)

The Activision influences are very concerning all the same, especially given that “microtransactions” are in vogue for game designers these days. But I still want to look forward to seeing what Blizzard could do with the full toolkit that they’ve amassed over the years with WoW’s engine, plus a few additional tweaks. (Phasing needs to be less of a kludge that pulls groups apart, although how to fix that without creating a jarring experience for the players is definitely more of a gameplay challenge rather than a technical one)

It’s worth noting that the complete failure of BFA will likely enable the next expansion to be slightly better.

Legion was great after the catastrophe that was WoD

I think Blizzard is capable of Classic “style” content even now, they just have reasons why it doesn’t happen. The design philosophy for the game evolved away from Classic’s model, and bringing it back at this point isn’t something that is feasible for retail’s main progression path anymore.

As to forcing changes on everyone, I think that’s more of a technical problem, with a technical solution waiting to be found and implemented.

Maybe you’re right. I dunno.

I still don’t trust them to even attempt it though. They’re a corporation, and corporations love to pinch pennies. We’re lucky we’re even getting Classic the way it currently is.

It absolutely does. The last 10 levels are close to 50% of the questing time. There’s charts that show it.

It will overshadow retail only because of how bad BfA is.

It wouldn’t have stood a chance against Legion.

Literally no way it’s only 4 weeks. It will take 3 months for the average player to hit 60


Should have separate servers for each expansion allowing players to play any era of wow. You getting classic with no changes as you request shouldn’t have any precedence over those players that want to play TBC or WOTLK. Kind of a dick move to act like nobody else matters bro.

If you really think Blizzard would do that, you’re dreaming.

They won’t do separate servers, PURELY to save money, and everyone who wanted Vanilla would be back at square one.

Sorry, I’m not in the mood to let the game be ruined before it’s even released.